40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
Lunar and Planetary Institute
The Woodlands, Texas - March 23-27, 2009
Program with Abstracts
Program Index
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Chairs: David Kring & David Draper
Jacobsen, Remo, Petaev & Sasselov: Hf-W Chronometry and the Timing of the Giant Moon-forming Impact on Earth [#2054] For Hf-W chronometry of the Earth-Moon system (EMS) there are currently two end member options: (i) the formation of the EMS at ~32 Myr or (ii) formation of 90% of the Earth in the first six Myr followed by a very late (~100 Myr) formation of the Moon.
Touboul, Kleine, Bourdon, Nyquist & Shih: New 142Nd Evidence for a Non-Chondritic Composition of the Moon [#2269] Here we present new Sm-Nd data for lunar rocks that are used to evaluate the significance of the 146Sm-142Nd systematics for constraining the timescale of lunar differentiation and the bulk Nd isotope composition of the Moon.
Elardo & Draper: Crystallization of a Lunar Magma Ocean: Preliminary Experimental Results [#1181] Though widely accepted, the lunar magma ocean hypothesis has never been fully tested experimentally. Presented here are the preliminary results of experiments conducted on a bulk Moon composition to simulate lunar magma ocean crystallization.
Pahlevan & Stevenson: Chemical Fractionation after the Moon-forming Giant Impact [#2392] We test the hypothesis that the lunar mantle is derived from the terrestrial mantle via liquid-vapor fractionation during the afterglow of the giant impact.
Zindler & Jacobsen: Isotopic Equilibration of Earth’s Mantle and the Moon Subsequent to the Giant Impact? [#2542] The striking oxygen, chromium, and tungsten isotopic similarities between the Earth’s mantle and the Moon are discussed and modeled with a 3-box model.
E.M. Parmentier: On the Scale of Lunar Mantle Overturn Following Magma Ocean Fractional Solidification: The Role for Multiple Scales of Convective Motion [#1781] Multiple scales of mantle overturn following magma ocean fractional solidification reconciles the magmatic evolution of the Moon many of its important geological and geophysical characteristics.
J. Longhi: Origin of the Magnesian Suite Cumulates [#2356] Melting calculations on various combinations of rock types formed in the lunar magma ocean suggest that highly magnesian olivine characteristic of magnesian suite cumulates ultimately derives from the earliest dunite cumulates of the magma ocean.
Grange, Nemchin, Pidgeon & Meyer: Early History of the Moon: Zircon Perspective [#1473] U-Pb ages of lunar zircons highlight new details in the early history of the Moon, providing a younger limit for the LMO crystallization and indicating that the impact history of the Moon is more complex than the accepted late period of bombardment.
H.V. Frey: Crustal Thickness Evidence for More Previously Unrecognized Large Lunar Basins [#1687] Crustal thickness model data reveal the presence of even more large lunar basins that were previously unrecognized. The total number of lunar basins >300 km diameter may exceed 150, more than three times that determined by photogeologic mapping alone.
Wieczorek & Le Feuvre: Did a Large Impact Reorient the Moon? [#1554] More impacts should occur on the Moon’s western hemisphere as a result of this body’s synchronous rotation. We show that there are more old basins located on the Moon’s eastern hemisphere, suggesting that a large impact reoriented the Moon by 180°.
Jolliff, Korotev, Zeigler & Prettyman: Connecting Lunar Meteorite Dhofar 961 to the South Pole-Aitken Basin Through Lunar Prospector Gamma-Ray Data [#2555] Lunar meteorite Dhofar 961, which contains mafic impact-melt components, is matched to locations within South Pole-Aitken Basin through the 5-degree Lunar Prospector gamma-ray data. Implications for a lower crustal provenance are discussed.
Cahill, Lucey & Wieczorek: The Composition of Lunar Central Peaks Relative to Lunar Samples [#1222] Here we place the modeled mineralogy of lunar impact crater central peaks in the context of the lunar sample collection.
Wingo & Cowing: Recovering High Resolution Lunar Orbiter Images from Analog Tape [#2517] Original FR-900 tape recorders have been refurbished to play, digitize, and store, the original highest resolution images of the Moon. This paper outlines the process and the initial results of our efforts.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Chairs: Clive Neal & Alian Wang
Goswami & Annadurai: Chandrayaan-1: India’s First Planetary Science Mission to the Moon [#2571] The first Indian planetary exploration mission, Chandrayaan-1, was launched on 22 October, 2008. We will present a brief summary of the science objectives, various payloads, mission details and observational plans.
Gopala, Amitabh, Srivastava & Kiran: Digital Elevation Models of the Lunar Surface from Chandrayaan-1 Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC) Imagery — Initial Results [#1694] Initial results of digital elevation model obtained from the stereo triplet images acquired by the Terrain Mapping Camera onboard the Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft are discussed.
9:15 a.m. Kiran, Roy, Murali, Sarkar, Joshi, Patel, Dave, Shah, Banerjee, Mathew & Sharma: The Terrain Mapping Camera on Chandrayaan-1 [#1584] The Terrain Mapping Camera on Chandrayaan-1, acquires stereo triplet images of Moon in visible band. With the successful launch, spacecraft reached the 100 kilometer polar orbit around the moon and has since been returning images of Moon.
Dachev, Tomov, Matviichuk, Dimitrov, Angelis, Spurny, & Vadawale: Monitoring of the Earth and Moon Radiation Environment by the RADOM Instrument on Indian Chandrayyan-1 Satellite. Preliminary Results [#1274] This paper describes preliminary scientific results from the measurements of the Earth and Moon radiation environment by RADOM instrument since 22nd October 2008.
De Angelis, Dachev, Tomov, Matviichuk, Dimitrov, Spurny & Vadawale: Modeling of the Moon Radiation Environment at the Altitude of the Indian Chandrayaan-1 Satellite and a Comparison with the RADOM Experiment Data [#1310] These results for the moon radiation environment as well as for the cruise phase have been obtained in the framework of the Radom investigation that is on-board the Chandrayaan-1 mission by the Indian Space Agency ISRO.
Spudis, Bussey, Butler, Carter, Gillis-Davis, Goswami, Heggy, Kirk, Misra, Nozette, Robinson, Raney, Thomson & Ustinov: The Mini-SAR Imaging Radar on the Chandrayaan-1 Mission to the Moon [#1098] The Mini-SAR is an imaging radar instrument on the Indian Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon. It will map both lunar poles, revealing terrain in permanently dark areas and characterizing the backscattering properties of these areas, looking for evidence of ice.
Senthil, Kiran, Goswami, Pieters, Krishna & Chauhan: Lunar Orientale Basin: Topology and Morphology of Impact Melt Region from Chandrayaan-1 TMC and HYSI [#1505] Initial results of Chandrayaan-1 Terrain Mapping Camera and Hyperspectral Imager data acquired the Orientale Basin of lunar surface are presented.
Kamalakar, Laxmi, Bhaskar, Selvaraj, Sridhar, Goswami, Kalyani, Ravikumar, Jain, Daniel & Gopinath: Laser Ranging Experiment Aboard Chandrayaan-I: Instrumentation and Preliminary Results [#1487] This paper presents the instrumentation details, end-to-end testing of the Lunar Laser Range Instrument (LLRI) aboard Indian lunar mission Chandrayaan-1 and focus on the present status and preliminary results obtained by the instrument.
Grande, Kellett, Maddison, Sreekumar, Huovelin, Howe, Crawford & Narendranath: Initial Results from the C1XS X-Ray Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1 [#1840] C1XS in flight calibration shows the instrument is performing well. C1XS observed the Moon during an A class flare on 12-12-2008; characteristic X-ray lines at Mg, Al and Si are clearly resolved. Analysis shows that C1XS easily meets spec.
Pieters & Moon Mineralogy Mapper Team: Mineralogy of the Lunar Crust in Spatial Context: First Results from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) [#2052] Mineralogy across the Orientale Basin measured with initial M3 data indicate the peak ring exposed a massive crustal layer of almost pure anorthosite. This is underlain by noritic materials. More mineralogy data of the lunar crust is being acquired.
Green, Pieters, Boardman, Barr, Bruce, Bousman, Chatterjee, Eastwood, Essandoh, Geier, Glavich, Green, Haemmerle, Hyman, Hovland, Koch, Lee, Lundeen, Motts, Mouroulis, Paulson, Plourde, Racho, Robison, Rodriguez, Rothman, Sellar, Smith, Sobel, Stamp, Tseng, Varanasi, Wilson & White: The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Imaging Spectrometer: Early Assessment of the Spectral, Radiometric, Spatial, and Uniformity Characteristics [#2307] The Moon Mineralogy Mapper is a high uniformity and high signal-to-noise ratio NASA imaging spectrometer that is a guest instrument on the Indian Chandrayaan-1 Moon Mission. We present an early assessment of the M3 science measurement performance.
Li, Liu, Mu, Ren, Zou & Zhang - Lu, Liu, Zuo, Su, Wen, Bian, Zou & Ouyang: A New Global Image of the Moon by Chinese Chang’E Probe [#2568] Mapping procedure of the global image of the Moon is described, including introduction of data, data processing and map-making. The results shows that the Chinese global image map provides new and highly precise data for lunar topographic demonstration and research.
Liu, Ren, Mu & Zhao - Xiangli, Yang & Zou - Zhang, Lu, Liu, Zuo - Su, Wen - Bian, Zou & Li: Automatic DEM Generation from CE-1’s CCD Stereo Camera Images [#2570] The goal of the CCD Stereo Camera is to acquire 3D-images of lunar surface between 70S and 70N. We describe the process of the images acquired, configuration of imaging system, camera sensor model, camera trajectory model and EFP photogrammetric triangulation algorithm.
Chairs: Lisa Gaddis & Jeff Taylor
Sobue & Sasaki - Kato, Maejima, Minamino, Nakazawa & Ootake - Konishi, Tateno & Yonekura - Hoshino & Kimura: The Project Highlight of Japan’s Lunar Explorer Kaguya (SELENE) [#1224] Kaguya (SELENE) was successful launched on September 14, 2007 at Tanegashima Space Center of JAXA. This paper describes the overview of Kaguya system, highlight of operation, public promotion result and future expected operation plan.
Kato & Takizawa - Sasaki & SELENE Project Team: The Kaguya (SELENE) Mission and Its Lunar Science [#1226] The lunar orbiter Kaguya has completed steady observation for ten month. We would like to talk on science results and mission summary.
Ohtake, Matsunaga & Yokota - Haruyama & Miyamoto, Arai, Hirata & Takeda - Nakamura & Morota - Honda & Ogawa, Kitazato & LISM Team: Anorthosite with 100% Plagioclase on the Moon Detected by the SELENE Multiband Imager [#1557] We find exceptionally feldspathic rock with ~100% Fe-bearing plagioclase at the base of central peak of Tycho by using Multiband Imager data on board SELENE. We are conducting similar analyses at other locations.
Matsunaga & Ohtake - Haruyama & Ogawa - Nakamura & Yokota - Morota - Honda & Torii - Abe & Nimura - Hiroi, Arai, Saiki & Takeda - Hirata, Kodama & Sugihara - Demura - Asada - Terazono & Otake: Current Status and First Scientific Results of SELENE Spectral Profiler [#2133] Spectral Profiler (SP) is a visible — near infrared spectrometer onboard Japanese SELENE spacecraft. Its spectral specifications are optimized for lunar surface mineral survey. In this paper, SP’s status and first scientific results are presented.
Yamashita - Hasebe & Shibamura - Kobayashi - Karouji Hareyama, Kobayashi, Okudaira & Takashima - d’Uston & Maurice - Gasnault & Forni, Diez & Reedy - Kim & Arai, Ebihara, Sugihara & Takeda, Hayatsu, Iwabuchi, Nemoto, Takeda & Tsukada - Nagaoka, Hihara, Maejima - Nakazawa & Otake: Precise Observation of Uranium, Thorium, and Potassium on the Moon by the SELENE GRS [#1855] The SELENE GRS revealed the global distribution of U on the lunar surface for the first time. The U distribution and its trend with K and Th are discussed to help understand thermal history of the Moon.
Gasnault & Forni - Diez, d’Uston & Maurice - Hasebe, Okudaira & Yamashita - Kobayashi & Karouji - Hareyama & Shibamura - Kobayashi, Reedy & SELENE GRS Team: Preliminary Analysis of SELENE GRS Data — The Iron Case [#2253] The lunar compositional poles can be seen in the SELENE gamma-ray data through statistical processing of the spectra. Independent component analysis leads to a map of Th and a preliminary map of Fe, which can be normalized with Lunar Prospector data.
Namiki, et.al.: Comparative Study of Compensation Mechanism of Lunar Impact Basins from New Gravity Field Model of SELENE (Kaguya) [#1519] Based on the gravity model of the Moon by SELENE, we propose new classification and compensation mechanism of lunar impact basins. Impact basins on lunar far side are classified into two types depending on free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies.
Ishihara, et.al.: Localized Gravity/Topography Correlation and Admittance Spectra on the Moon [#1623] We show the results of localized correlation and admittance analysis using new lunar gravity and topography models from Kaguya mission.
Araki & Tazawa, et.al: The Lunar Global Topography by the Laser Altimeter (LALT) Onboard Kaguya (SELENE): Results from the One Year Observation [#1432] A global and precise topographic map of the Moon has been derived by the laser altimeter (LALT) onboard the Japanese lunar explorer Kaguya (SELENE). Results of the one year observation and implications from the LALT topography will be presented.
Antonenko, Cooper, Yamaguchi & Ono - Kumamoto & Osinski: Preliminary Regional Analysis of the Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) Data Through Eastern Mare Imbrium [#2406] We processed preliminary Kaguya Lunar Radar Sounder data to form a coarse 3D voxel grid model. This model shows topography, a regional boundary at ~3.8 km depth (but dipping to ~4.4 km in SE Mare Imbrium), and the probable detection limits of the instrument at ~6.3 km depth.
Honda & Yamazaki - Mitsuhashi, Tachino, Yamauchi & Shirao: Results of High-Definition Television System (HDTV) On Board SELENE (Kaguya) [#2540] The current status of the HDTV, recent data obtained, and ongoing data analysis of HDTV images such as the creation of digital elevation model (DEM) from the moving images are reported.
Haruyama & Ohtake - Matsunaga & Morota - Honda, Yokota, Ogawa & LISM Working Group: SELENE (Kaguya) Terrain Camera Observation Results of Nominal Mission Period [#1553] We will overview observation results of the 10 m-resolution stereo-camera, Terrain Camera, aboard SELENE (Kaguya) during its nominal mission period of about one-year.
Hirata, et.al.: Morphological Analyses of Tycho Crater with Kaguya Data [#1514] We investigated a large lunar crater Tycho with Kaguya/LISM data to reconstruct the impact event forming the crater from distributions of its ejecta and other associated features.
Arai T. Yamamoto Y. Okada T. Kato M. -- Lessons Learned in Onboard Software Processing of XRS-Kaguya [#2212] We introduce the functional control, data reduction and observation control by the software processing of X-ray spectrometers onboard Kaguya, and we discuss the lessons-learned from the lunar X-ray observation.
Terazono J. Asada N. Demura H. Hirata N. Saiki K. Iwasaki A. Oka R. Hayashi T. Suzuki T. Miyamoto H. Haruyama J. Ohtake M. Matsunaga T. Sobue S. Okumura H. Fujita T. Yamamoto A. Integrated Lunar Web-GIS Environment Using Data Obtained by Lunar Exploration [#1232] The report of current implementation and development status about integrated GIS infrastructure using lunar exploration data including Kaguya, Japanese lunar explorer.
Okumura H. Sobue S. Hoshino H. Yamamoto A. Fujita T. Data Archive and Visualization for Lunar Orbiter Kaguya (SELENE) [#1518] Kaguya Data Archive (L2DB) and Kaguya Web Map Server(WMS) are being developed in JAXA Sagamihara Campus and will be open to the public from Nov. 2009. Also World Wind for Kaguya and KML data set will be prepared for the purpose of research and EPO.
Shibata Y. Hirata N. Demura H. Asada N. Yokota Y. Morota T. Honda C. Matsunaga T. Ohtake M. Haruyama J. Semi-Automatic Recognition of Lunar Geologic Units Based on Texture and Spectral Features Using Image Data Observed by Kaguya, LISM TC/MI [#1615] This research shows first step for semi-automatic recognition by means of ongoing Kaguya data. We especially focus on recognition of geologic units by combining texture and spectral features extracted from image data observed by LISM TC/MI.
Hodokuma T. Kuriki K. Asada N. Demura H. Terazono J. Hirata H. Haruyama J. Ohtake M. Matsunaga T. Araki H. Integration of Multi-Instrumental Data Sets of Kaguya, LISM and LALT [#1637] We report current status on integration of multi-instrumental data sets of Kaguya, LISM and LALT, such as digital terrain model, altitude profiles, multiband images, and spectral data.
Yokota Y. Matsunaga T. Ohtake M. Haruyama J. Ogawa Y. Nakamura R. Honda C. Morota T. Saiki K. Kawabe S. Nagasawa K. Kitazato K. LISM Working Group Lunar Phase Curve at Vis/NIR Wavelength Observed by SELENE Spectral Profiler [#2525] We report preliminary results of Disk-resolved lunar phase curve at highland in Vis/NIR wavelength range by SELENE Spectral Profiler data.
Ogawa Y. Matsunaga T. Nakamura R. Takeda H. Ohtake M. Morota T. Hiroi T. Arai T. Saiki K. Sugihara T. Haruyama J. Yokota Y. Honda C. Nimura T. Hirata N. Demura H. Asada N. Terazono J. Mineral Compositions of the Bright Rayed Craters and Lunar Far-Side Crust Revealed by the Continuous VIS-NIR Spectrum by SP (Spectral Profiler) on SELENE/Kaguya [#1650] SP is a visible and near infrared spectrometer onboard SELENE/Kaguya satellite. Based on the SP spectral data we are conducting a preliminary survey to collect compositional information of the lunar highland crust on the far-side.
Migita E. Araki H. Noda H. Tazawa S. Ishihara Y. Iwata T. Laser Altimeter Lunar Crater Measurement by SELENE (Kaguya) [#1981] Laser Altimeter (LALT) on board SELENE (Kaguya) can determine anew crater diameter. LALT data is accurate as compared with Clementine LIDAR data. Especially, central peaks seen in LALT data are clearer than those seen in LIDAR data.
Honda C. Morota T. Yokota Y. Ogawa Y. Demura H. Hirata N. Matsunaga T. Ohtake M. Haruyama J. Morphologic Characteristics of the Vallis Schröteri [#1524] Using our DTM derived from TC stereo pair images of Kaguya, we measured the morphologic characteristics of the Vallis Schröteri as a function of distance from vent-like feature.
Morota T. Haruyama J. Honda C. Ohtake M. Yokota Y. Kimura J. Matsunaga T. Ogawa Y. Hirata N. Demura H. Iwasaki A. Miyamoto H. Nakamura R. Ishihara Y. Sasaki S. Ages and Thicknesses of Mare Basalts in Mare Moscoviense: Results from SELENE (KAGUYA) Terrain Camera Data [#1280] We investigate ages and thicknesses of mare basalts in Mare Moscoviense, which is in the northern hemisphere of the lunar farside, using high-resolution images and digital terrain models (DTMs) obtained by SELENE Terrain Camera (TC).
Kobayashi M. Hasebe N. Shibamura E. Miyachi T. Takashima T. Okudaira O. Yamashita N. Kobayashi S. Hareyama M. Karouji Y. Ebihara M. Arai T. Sugihara T. Takeda H. Iwabuchi K. Hayatsu K. Nemoto S. Hihara T. Nakazawa S. Otake H. d’Uston C. Maurice S. Gasnault O. Diez B. Reedy R. C. Status and Performance of the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer on the Kaguya (SELENE) [#1735] The Kaguya main orbiter carries a GRS, which is providing elemental information on lunar surface. In this presentation, the status and performance of the Kaguya GRS observations in the primary mission and early extended mission are given.
Hareyama M. Hasebe N. Shibamura E. Kobayhashi M.-N. Yamashita N. Karouji Y. Kobayashi S. Okudaira O. Takashima T. d’Uston C. Maurice S. Gasnault O. Forni O. Diez B. Reedy R. C. Kim K. J. Arai T. Ebihara M. Sugihara T. Takeda H. Hayatsu K. Iwabuchi K. Nemoto S. Takeda Y. Tsukada K. Nagaoka H. Hihara T. Maejima H. Nakazawa S. High Energy Gamma Rays from the Lunar Surface Observed by GRS Onboard SELENE [#1734] The distribution map of lunar gamma-rays in the energy range of 8–13 MeV observed by SELENE-GRS is presented and discussed about area dependencies.
Reedy R. C. Hasebe N. Yamashita N. Karouji Y. Hareyama M. Kobayashi S. Okudaira O. Shibamura E. Kobayashi M. N. Kim K. J. d’Uston C. Diez B. Gasnault O. Forni O. Kaguya GRS Team Gamma Rays in Spectra Measured by the Kaguya Gamma-Ray Spectrometer [#1788] Of 200 peaks observed in spectra measured by the Kaguya Gamma Ray Spectrometer, the sources of 80% have been identified. Most are from the Ge detector, structural Al, and other local matter. Some gamma rays are from several elements in the Moon.
Okada T. Shiraishi H. Shirai K. Yamamoto Y. Arai T. Ogawa K. Kato M. Grande M. SELENE XRS Team X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRS) on Kaguya: Current Status and Results [#1897] X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRS) for major elemental composition mapping of lunar surface is carried on Kaguya, but some difficulties of its observations are found due to degradation of CCD detectors and due to historically quiescent solar activity.
Clark R. Pieters C. M. Green R. O. M3 Science Team Thermal Removal from Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) Data [#2136] Near-infrared spectra of the Moon contain a mixture of reflectedsunlight and thermal emission caused by heating of the surface fromthe sun at wavelengths beyond about 2 microns. Thermal emission is a factor in analyzing data from M3.
Taylor L. A. Liu Y. Pieters C. Tompkins S. Isaacson P. Cheek L. Thaisen K. Lunar Magma Ocean Crust: Implications of FeO Contents in Plagioclase [#1304] The FeO and MgO compositions of the highland plagioclase, particularly that in the FANs, do not represent those from the original LMO. The re-equilibrated values are due to slow cooling of the proto-crust, similar to anorthosites on Earth (Phinney, 1991).
Pieters C. Kumar S. Head J. W. Goswami J. N. Kumar K. Green R. Boardman J. Staid M. Petro N. Isaacson P. Lunar Orientale Basin: Nature of Impact Melt and Volcanic Flooding from Chandrayaan-1 (M3, TMC, HySI) [#2157] A subset of data observed by M3, TMC, and HySI is used to evaluate the relation of the Maunder Formation and neighboring basalts. The MF is shown to be highly feldspathic and the basalts exhibit features suggestive of magma movement during cooling.
Kiran Kumar A. S. Roy Chowdhury A. Murali K. R. Sarkar S. S. Joshi S. R. Mehta S. Dave A. B. Shah K. J. Banerjee A. Mathew K. Sharma B. N. The Hyper Spectral Imager Instrument on Chandrayaan-1 [#1589] The Hyperspectral imager on Chandrayaan-1 provides images of lunar surface with a spatial resolution of 80 meters in 64 contiguous spectral bands in visible and near infrared regions for mineralogical mapping.
Sreekumar P. Umapathy C. N. Ramakrishna Sharma M. Sreekantha C. V. Tyagi A. Kumar A. B. Sudhakar M. Abraham L. Kulkani R. Premlatha R. L. Srivastava A. K. Neeraj Kumar S. Bug M. Acharya Y. B. Vadawale S. Shanmugam M. Banerjee D. Purohit S. Patel H. Goswami J. N. High-Energy X-Ray Spectrometer (HEX) on Chandrayaan-1: Studies of Volatile Transport on Moon and Mapping of U, Th-rich Terrain [#2572] In situ measurements, remote sensing technique and laboratory analysis of returned samples provide information on the elemental composition of a planetary body.
Reiff P. H. Freeman J. W. Vondrak R. Apollo ALSEP Results — 40 Years Later [#2363] This paper will discuss the main results from the Apollo/ALSEP SIDE and CPLEE experiments.
Lawrence K. P. Johnson C. L. Magnetic Characterization of Lunar Samples: Back to Basics [#1433] We present preliminary results of low and high temperature hysteresis, low and high temperature magnetic susceptibility, and Curie temperature analyses of multiple lunar samples.
Chi P. J. Russell C. T. Walker R. J. Williams D. Hills H. K. Mehlman R. Restoration of Apollo Magnetic Field Data: A Progress Report [#1894] Under the support by NASA’s LASER Program we are restoring the Apollo data from Lunar Surface Magnetometer and Subsatellite Biaxial Magnetometer. These restored data will be accessible through a dedicated online server, PDS, and NSSDC.
Halekas J. S. Lillis R. J. Purucker M. E. Louzada K. L. Stewart S. T. Manga M. Interpreting Lunar Impact Demagnetization Signatures Using Lunar Prospector Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer Data [#1354] We investigate impact demagnetization signatures observed by Lunar Prospector. We construct crater demagnetization models and compare to observations in order to constrain the strength and coherence scale of lunar crustal magnetization.
Williams J. G. Boggs D. H. Ratcliff J. T. A Larger Lunar Core? [#1452] New data improves lunar science results. A fluid core and tidal dissipation are inferred from dissipation effects on orientation. Detection of core-mantle boundary flattening and fluid core moment are additional evidence for a fluid core.
de Vries J. van den Berg A. P. van Westrenen W. The Formation and Evolution of a Lunar Core from Ilmenite-rich Magma Ocean Cumulates [#1244] The possibility of forming an ilmenite-rich core in the moon is studied, using numerical models. It is shown that core density and sharpness of the core-mantle boundary depend on the heat production in and the density of the ilmenite-rich material.
Sakai R. Kushiro I. Nagahara H. Ozawa K. Tachibana S. Experimental Constraints on Composition of Lunar Magma Ocean from Physical Properties of Magma [#1839] We performed high-pressure experiments to determine density and viscosity of magma with chemical compositions plausible to the anorthosite crust formation in order to put physical and chemical constraints on differentiation of the lunar magma ocean.
Tronche E. J. van Westrenen W. Experimental Petrology of a Lunar Bulk Composition Constrained by Geophysical Data [#1782] The crystallization sequence and phase chemistry of a cooling lunar magma ocean is experimentally investigated for a new lunar bulk composition relatively Al-poor and Fe-rich derived from inversion of seismic and gravity data.
Bauch K. E. Hiesinger H. Helbert J. Estimation of Lunar Surface Temperatures: A Numerical Model [#1789] We present global temperature estimates for sunrise, noontime and sunset. This work provides new and updated research on the temperature variations by taking into account the surface and subsurface bulk thermophysical properties.
Weber R. C. Bills B. G. Johnson C. L. A Simple Physical Model for Deep Moonquakes [#1870] Tidal stress is widely believed to influence the occurrence times of deep moonquakes. We explore several simple models of stress buildup and release that can be used to create moonquake-like time sequences of events.
Kawamura T. Tanaka S. Saito Y. Kobayashi Y. Horai K. Hagermann A. Re-Determination of Deep Moonquake Sources Using the Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Gravimeter [#1653] We performed the first seismic analysis of deep moonquakes using the Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Gravimeter. We re-determined the seismic source of the deep moonquakes and evaluated the contribution of the LSG.
Mazarico E. Han S.-C. Lemoine F. G. Smith D. E. A New Solution of the Lunar Gravity Field Using Localized Spectral Constraint [#2248] We use localized spherical harmonics to create a lunar gravity field solution with the Kaula constraint applied only to the far side. The differences with a globally constrained solution are correlated with the topography, suggesting an improvement.
de Meijer R. J. van Westrenen W. An Alternative Hypothesis for the Formation of the Moon [#1847] We propose an alternative explanation for the compositional correspondence between Moon and silicate Earth: the Moon formed from the ejection of terrestrial mantle material, triggered by a run-away natural georeactor at Earth’s core-mantle boundary.
Campbell B. A. Campbell D. B. Carter L. M. Chandler J. Ghent R. R. Nolan M. Anderson R. F. Earth-Based Radar Mapping of the Lunar Nearside at 12.6-cm Wavelength [#1275] We are collecting a dual-polarization radar backscatter map of the lunar nearside at 12.6-cm (S-band) wavelength and 40-m single-look horizontal spatial resolution.
Wells K. S. Campbell D. B. Campbell B. A. Carter L. M. Radar Circular Polarization Ratio Determination of Tycho Secondary Craters [#1778] We identify 128 small lunar craters in the Newton-A Crater basin within the furthest extent of a Tycho Crater ray and classify secondary craters within the population by their elongated CPR ejecta blankets parallel to the Tycho ray.
Thompson T. W. Campbell B. A. Ghent R. R. Hawke B. R. Differences in the Mega-Regolith Depth Across the Moon’s Southern Highlands [#1240] Differences in the frequencies of small (1–16 km diameter) radar-bright craters is not uniform across the southeastern nearside lunar highlands indicating a deeper megaregolith depth of 1 km associated with the South Pole Aitken Basin ejecta.
Chevrel S. D. Pinet P. C. Daydou Y. Le Mouélic S. Langevin Y. Costard F. Erard S. The Aristarchus Plateau on the Moon: Nature and Stratigraphy of the Substratum [#1234] From Clementine UVVIS and NIR spectral data, a statistical analysis and a mixture modeling, we present the mineralogy and the stratigraphy of the materials forming the substratum and volcanic deposits of the Aristarchus Plateau on the Moon.
Souchon A. L. Chevrel S. D. Pinet P. C. Daydou Y. H. Shevchenko V. V. Grieger B. Josset J. L. Beauvivre S. Shkuratov Y. Kaydash V. G. AMIE Team Characterization of the Optical Properties of J. Herschel Pyroclastic Deposit Using SMART-1/AMIE Photometric Data [#1237] SMART-1 data have been processed to estimate Hapke’s photometric parameters on the dark deposit located on the floor of Herschel Crater. The comparison with natural and synthetic terrestrial materials strengthens the case for a pyroclastic origin.
Hawke B. R. Giguere T. A. Lawrence S. J. Campbell B. A. Blewett D. T. Carter L. M. Gaddis L. R. Hagerty J. J. Lucey P. G. Peterson C. A. Smith G. A. Remote Sensing Studies of Pyroclastic Deposits in the Mare Humorum Region [#1146] The two large regional pyroclastic deposits are dominated by Fe2+-bearing pyroclastic glasses. Portions of the deposits are relatively thick and exhibit smooth, rock-poor surfaces that would be well suited for resource exploitation.
Weider S. Z. Crawford I. A. Joy K. H. Investigating Oceanus Procellarum Basalt Flows Using Integrated Clementine UV-VIS and NIR Data [#1573] We use UV-VIS and NIR data from Clementine to investigate the basaltic stratigraphy in a region of Oceanus Procellarum. This enables us to study the FeO and TiO2 compositions, major mafic mineralogy, and extent of space weathering of these deposits.
Srivastava N. Spectral Reflectance Studies for Maturation Trends in a Mare and Highland Swirl [#1577] Regions shielded by maximum magnetic field intensity in the proto type swirl Reiner Gamma and the one near Airy Crater, have been investigated for maturity trends. Both the cases show differences (though of reversed nature) from the trend seen in nearby unshielded areas.
FuPing G. YanMei Y. Geological Features Study of the Lunar Surface Using the Lunar Remote Sensing Data [#1457] Taking typical craters of lunar surface as the test areas, using the Clementine UVVIS, NIR and lidar data, we study the relationship between the geological features and physiognomy, analyze the rule of lithology or mineral distribution of the lunar.
Ambrose W. A. Distribution and Chronostratigraphy of Asymmetric Secondary Craters in the Nectaris Basin [#1015] The Nectaris Basin contains well-preserved examples of radially distributed, asymmetric secondary craters, scours, and crater chains. They are unique morphological features that constrain estimated ages of overlapped landforms in the basin.
Dominov E. Mest S. C. Geology of Antoniadi Crater, South Pole Aitken Basin, Moon [#1460] Antoniadi crater is unique for three reasons: 1) unique impact crater shape; 2) deep impact depth; and 3) smooth crater floor material. Research was done by utilizing ArcGIS program in mapping the ejecta blanket of Antoniadi and crater counting.
Cheek L. C. Pieters C. M. Dyar M. D. Milam K. A. Revisiting Plagioclase Optical Properties for Lunar Exploration [#1928] Preliminary NIR analyses of a suite of terrestrial plagioclase identify the 1.3 μm CF absorption and highlight the importance of constraining compositional controls on spectral features and effects of minor absorbing phases in transparent mediums.
Aarthy R. S. Sanjeevi S. Vijayan S. Krishnamurthy J. Spectral Studies of Anorthosite and Meteorite [#2216] The aim of this study is for the better understanding of the lunar highland surface. Thus for the study anorthosite and meteorite (not yet being approve) spectral studies were carried out.
Foote E. J. Paige D. A. Johnson J. R. Grundy W. M. Shepard M. T. The Bidirectional Reflectance of Apollo 11 Soil Sample 10084 [#2500] We measured the bidirectional reflectance of Apollo 11 soil sample 10084 using the Bloomsburg University Goniometer (BUG) and fit the measured reflectances using Hapke’s photometric model that includes the effects of large-scale roughness.
Li L. Lucey P. G. Quantifying TiO2 Abundance of Mare Soils: A Stratified Partial Least Squares Approach to Qualitative Interpretation [#2226] A stratified partial least squares approach is used for the estimation of mare soil samples and qualitative interpretation of the result is achieved using stepwise multivariate regression analysis.
Li L. Lucey P. G. Use of Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis and Radiative Transfer Model to Derive Lunar Mineral Abundance Maps [#1934] A new approach combining multiple endmemeber spectral mixture analysis (MESMA) and radiative transfer model (RTM) is proposed to generate lunar global mineral abundance maps from Clementine 1 km UVVIS data.
Hiroi T. Isaacson P. J. Klima R. L. Pieters C. M. Sarbadhikari A. B. Liu Y. Taylor L. A. Reproducing Visible and Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Lunar Rocks Directly from Their End-Member Spectra: Importance of Ilmenite in Estimating the Lunar Surface Composition [#1723] Spectral mixing calculations have been performed on the bulk samples and major mineral separates of four Apollo basalts. The results demonstrate the importance of considering coexisting ilmenite in remotely estimating the lunar silicate composition.
Dhingra D. Lithological Mapping of Lunar Terranes using Hybrid Classification Approach [#1456] A new classification approach integrating mineralogy, elemental composition and maturity for lithological mapping on the lunar surface is discussed.
Donaldson Hanna K. L. Wyatt M. B. Helbert J. Maturilli A. Pieters C. M. Constraining Lunar Surface Mineralogy with Combined Thermal- and Near-Infrared Spectral Data [#2286] We examine the extent to which combined thermal- and near-infared anayses can be used to constrain the mineralogy of immature lunar surface lithologies using thermal infrared laboratory spectral measurements of minerals, a mineral mixture, and lunar highlands and mare soils.
Stockstill-Cahill K. R. Cahill J. T. S. Lucey P. G. Hawke B. R. Radiative Transfer Modeling of Lunar Hyperspectral Data [#1629] We have previously developed multispectral methods for deriving minerals from spectra. We are now extending these methods to continuous (hyperspectral) telescopic data for various locations on the nearside of the Moon.
Mazarico E. Neumann G. A. Rowlands D. D. Lemoine F. G. Smith D. E. Zuber M. T. Multi-Beam Altimetric Crossovers for the Precision Orbit Determination of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter [#2244] We study a new type of altimetric crossovers enabled by LOLA multi-beam configuration. Those use the cross-track information and can help the LRO goal of creating a new lunar reference frame by providing stronger constraints on the orbit.
Greenhagen B. T. Paige D. A. Overview of the 2009 LRO Diviner Lunar Radiometer Compositional Investigation [#2255] The Compositional Investigation will analyze data from Diviner’s nine spectral channels (0.3–300 μm). Diviner’s channels are sensitive to different aspects of composition and have the potential to enhance our understanding of the lunar surface.
Thomas I. R. Bowles N. E. Greenhagen B. T. Reflectance and Emission Measurements of Lunar Analogues for Interpretation of Returning Data from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer on NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) [#2110] In support of the Diviner Compositional Investigation, spectra of many lunar analogues were measured from UV/VIS to FIR. Reflectance and emission spectra were found for samples with differing mineralogy and grain size, in various atmospheric pressures.
Sanin A. B. Boynton W. Evans L. Harshman K. Kozyrev A. Litvak M. Malakhov A. McClanahan T. Milikh G. Mitrofanov I. Mokrousov M. Sagdeev R. Shevchenko V. Schvetsov V. Starr R. Trombka J. Vostrukhin A. Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) for NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Searching for the Water Ice [#1249] The LEND instrument is orbital neutron telescope for orbital mapping of the Moon’s neutron albedo. The LEND instrument on board the NASA LRO spacecraft will measure neutron emission from the lunar surface and the local neutron background in orbit.
Lawrence S. J. Robinson M. S. Jolliff B. L. Bowman-Cisneros E. Tranh T. Stopar J. D. Hawke B. R. Thompson S. D. Koeber S. LROC Targeting Action Team Preparing to Scout the Next Frontier: Hardware and Operational Constraints Encountered During Targeting of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle Cameras [#2316] The two Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Narrow Angle Cameras (LROC-NAC) will take 0.5m/pixel images of the lunar surface. This abstract details the important hardware and operational constraints on LROC-NAC observations.
Jolliff B. L. Lawrence S. J. Stopar J. D. Robinson M. R. Gaddis L. R. Hawke B. R. Targeting the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Cameras: Target Sources and Selection Strategy [#2343] Strategies and resources used by the LRO Camera Team in developing its exploration/science target list are presented.
Tschimmel M. Robinson M. S. Humm D. C. Denevi B. W. Lawrence S. J. Brylow S. Ravine M. Ghaemi T. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC): Ready for Rocks [#2475] The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) consists of three cameras: the Wide-Angle Camera and two identical Narrow Angle Cameras. This abstract describes the properties of the instruments and the results of the laboratory calibration efforts.
Heldmann J. L. Colaprete A. Wooden D. Asphaug E. Schultz P. Plesko C. S. Ong L. Korycansky D. Galal K. Briggs G. Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Mission: Opportunities for Observations of the Impact Plumes from Ground-based and Space-based Telescopes [#1898] The primary objective of the LCROSS mission is to investigate the presence or absence of water on the Moon. Ground-based and orbital observatories can observe the dust and water vapor plume caused by the two impacts into the lunar surface.
Ennico K. Colaprete A. Heldmann J. Kojima G. Lynch D. Shirley M. Wooden D. Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Science Payload Ground Development, Test, and Calibration [#1878] The Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) is an impactor mission designed to target and impact a permanently shadowed region at a lunar polar latitude. This paper describes the payload, testing, and calibration.
Bart G. D. Colaprete A. Shadow Depths and Other Characteristics of Potential LCROSS Impact Sites [#2151] LCROSS impact site selection is critical to mission success. We discuss the critical constraints site selection, the ongoing work to characterize potential sites, and the most recent work of determining shadow depths at potential impact sites.
Summy D. Goldstein D. B. Colaprete A. Varghese P. L. Trafton L. M. LCROSS Impact: Dust and Gas Dynamics [#2267] We present results from simulations of the plume resulting from the impact of the LCROSS vehicle(s) into a shadowed lunar polar cold trap. Results may be of particular interest to those planning observations of the H2O, OH and dust plumes.
Hermalyn B. Schultz P. H. Heineck J. T. LCROSS Early-Time Ejecta Distribution: Predictions from Experiments [#2416] Experimental results of the early-time ejecta distribution from impacts of projectiles with a range of relative densities are presented, with implications and predictions for the upcoming LCROSS mission.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wilson T. L. Lee K. T. Photon Luminescence of the Moon [#1918] The space-radiation-induced photon luminescence existing on the Moon is derived from SEP and GCR sources. Its spectrum is present in the upper X-ray and lower γ-ray portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Dose mitigation measures are addressed.
Petro N. E. Bleacher J. E. Clark P. E. Mest S. C. Lewis R. Optimizing Lunar Surface Science: Comparison of Shackleton Base Scenario and Sortie Surface Scenarios at the Nectaris Basin, Marius Hills, and Olivine Hill [#2206] The work reported here responds to the need to provide the Constellation program with science requirements for a surface system architecture and metrics for surface operations. We compare surface scenarios for an outpost at Shackleton to three sorties.
Fong T. Broxton M. Deans M. C. Helper M. Hodges K. V. Schaber G. G. Schmitt H. H. Smith T. Traverse Planning for Robotic Recon and Human Exploration of Hadley Rille [#1233] We recently conducted a lunar traverse planning exercise at NASA Ames. The objective was to plan an EVA traverse for a hypothetical, manned mission to the Apollo 15 region and then identify where ground-level data (acquired by robotic scouting) would help refine the plan.
Ruberg R. Wood C. A. Reese D. D. Lightfritz C. Harrison A. MoonWorld: Virtual Fieldwork in Second Life [#2229] MoonWorld is a Second Life simulation that models the Moon as a tool for learning lunar science through virtual fieldwork. Avatars climb into craters to collect samples and observe structure to understand crater formation.
Boldoghy B. Kummert J. Varga T. P. Szilágyi I. Darányi I. Bérczi Sz. Varga T. N. Hudoba G. Jr. Buildings of Great Inner Space Created with Low Asset Requirement and High Efficiency for the Moon [#2458] For constructing lunar base buildings of great inner space we propose a plan, architectural concept, and building technology of using local materials by various technologies, baking, bagging and moving of the regolith to cover the building.
Arai T. Misawa K. Tomiyama T. Yoshitake M. Irving A. J. Constraints on Lunar KREEP Magmatism: A Variety of KREEP Basalt Derivatives in Lunar Meteorite NWA 4485 [#2292] Lunar meteorite NWA 4485 includes a variety of lithic clasts derived from KREEP magmatism. Pyroxene composition and zoning trends indicate that the KREEP basalt clasts in this meteorites are moderately equilibrated relative to Apollo KREEP basalts.
Burger P. V. Shearer C. K. Papike J. J. The Multi-Stage Cooling History of Lunar Meteorite NWA 032 as Recorded by Phenocrystic Olivine and Pyroxene [#2043] This study examines previously undocumented oscillatory zoning in phenocrystic pyroxene grains from lunar meteorite NWA 032, and its implication for the crystallization history of this sample.
Hauri E. H. Saal A. E. Van Orman J. Rutherford M. J. Friedman B. New Estimates of the Water Content of the Moon from Apollo 15 Picritic Glasses [#2344] In this abstract, we report the results of new SIMS measurements of water on over 200 new samples of picritic glasses recovered from the Apollo 15 mission. Our new measurements suggest an upward revsion of current estimates for the water content of lunar magmas.
van Kan Parker M. Agee C. B. van Westrenen W. Density of Molten "Apollo 17 Orange Glass" [#1722] The density of molten intermediate-high titanium bearing Apollo 17 orange glass was determined at lunar mantle pressures and temperatures using the sink/float technique.
van Kan Parker M. van Westrenen W. van Sijl J. Computational Study of Trace Element Partitioning Between Orthopyroxene and Melt: Implications for Substitution Mechanisms in Earth and Moon [#1714] A computational study of element partitioning between orthopyroxene and silicate melt highlighting the possible effects of iron content and charge balancing mechanisms on partition coefficients.
Krawczynski M. J. Sutton S. R. Grove T. L. Newville M. Titanium Oxidation State and Coordination in the Lunar High-Titanium Glass Source Mantle [#2164] XANES and EXAFS spectra from synthetic HiTi lunar glasses determine coordination of Ti in the HiTi source region. The amount of Ti3+ present affects the olivine-opx equilibrium, and the total amount of Ti3+ present requires a pyx bearing source.
Fernandes V. A. Korotev R. L. Renne P. R. 40Ar-39Ar Ages and Chemical Composition for Lunar Mare Basalts: NWA 4734 and NWA 4898 [#1045] 40Ar-39Ar ages are reported for lunar mare basalts NWA 4734 and NWA 4898. The age obtained for NWA 4734 is 2.766 ± 0.022 Ga (same as NWA 032/479) and for NWA 4898 is 3.520 ± 0.060 Ga, the same as Rb-Sr age reported by Gaffney et al. (2008).
Donohue P. Neal C. R. Apollo 17 High-Titanium Basalt Petrogenesis Revealed by Crystal Size Distributions and Mineral Geochemistry [#1805] Crystal size distributions (CSDs) and mineral geochemistry are presented for ilmenite crystals in a Type B2 (70275,35) lunar sample, and two Type C (74255,55 and 74275,312) lunar samples.
Liu Y. Spicuzza M. J. Valley J. W. Taylor L. A. Oxygen Isotopes of Lunar Rocks: Different Sources for Different Hi-Ti Basalts? [#2291] New oxygen isotopes of lunar mare basalts show difference among high-Ti basalts.
Haloda J. Tycova P. Thöni M. Jelenc M. The Petrogenesis and Chronology of Lunar Meteorite Northeast Africa 003-A: Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Isotopic Studies [#1247] The Sm-Nd age of lunar mare basalt NEA 3.089 ± 0.064 Ga represents the crystallization age of the meteorite, suggesting that NEA 003-A can be a product of younger low-Ti mare basalt volcanism within the Apollo 15 olivine-normative basalt suite.
Wilson L. Head J. W. Lunar Volcanic Eruptions: Range of Eruption Styles and Implications for Magma Ascent and Emplacement [#1159] We characterize the range of volcanic feature morphologies observed on the Moon in a manner suitable to allow them to be related to the conditions under which eruptions and intrusions took place.
Spudis P. D. Taylor G. J. A Major KREEP-Basalt — Mare Basalt Unconformity on the Moon [#1039] The Station 2 boulder at Apollo 15 preserves a major 500 Ma unconformity between early Imbrian-age non-mare KREEP basalts and late Imbrian-age mare basalt. These samples may represent a paleoregolith, an ancient regolith preserved between two lava flows on the Moon.
McKay D. S. Cooper B. L. Riofrio L. M. New Measurements of the Particle Size Distribution of Apollo 11 Lunar Soil [#2051] We have initiated a major new program to determine the grain size distribution of nearly all lunar soils collected in the Apollo program. The use of a laser diffraction instrument improves upon previous work using sieving.
Johnson J. R. Shepard M. K. Paige D. A. Foote E. J. Grundy W. Spectrogoniometric Measurements and Modeling of Apollo 11 Soil 10084 [#1427] Laboratory visible/near-infrared multispectral goniometer observations of Apollo 11 soil 10084 were acquired using the Bloomsburg University Goniometer to provide constraints on Hapke radiative transfer models for comparison to lunar analog soils.
Seddio S. M. Jolliff B. L. Korotev R. L. Zeigler R. A. A Newly Characterized Granite from the Apollo 12 Regolith [#2285] The newly characterized lunar sample 12032,366-19 is a pristine lunar granite with a unique texture and mineral assemblage and no impact-generated glass or brecciated material.
Johnson D. Jolliff B. Zeigler R. Carpenter P. Distribution of Ti in Glass and Mineral Components of Lunar Soils 10084 and 71501; Grain Size Fraction 100 to 210 μm [#2346] The grain size and shape of ilmenite and the distribution of Ti in components of Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 soils are discussed.
Seddio S. M. Korotev R. L. Jolliff B. L. Zeigler R. A. Petrographic Diversity in Apollo 12 Regolith Rock Particles [#2415] A set of 52 lithic fragments of the Apollo 12 regolith are analyzed to understand the petrographic diversity that the site contains focusing on regolith breccias, KREEP impact-melt breccias and other high-Th samples, and basalts.
Ling Z. C. Wang A. Jolliff B. L. Li C. Liu J. Bian W. Ren X. Mu L. Su Y. Raman Spectroscopic Study of Quartz in Lunar Soils from Apollo 14 and 15 Missions [#1823] Quartz, a rare but important mineral indicator for Moon, is detected from soil 14163 and 15273 by Raman point-count procedures. The two major Raman peaks of quartz show considerable red shift, indicating different shock effect on these grains.
Isaacson P. J. Pieters C. M. Klima R. L. Hiroi T. Sarbadhikari A. B. Liu Y. Taylor L. A. The Lunar Rock and Mineral Characterization Consortium (LRMCC): Integrated Analyses and Mineral Endmembers from Mare Basalts [#1821] The LRMCC has conducted coordinated mineralogy/petrology and spectroscopy analyses of four lunar basalt samples and associated mineral separates. The dataset provides key ground truth and constraints on spectral mixing and space weathering models.
Nemchin A. A. Pidgeon R. T. Grange M. L. REE Patterns in Lunar Zircons [#1509] Zircon grains from breccia sample 14321 show significant REE variation, indicating that these zircons formed in the rocks with a wide compositional range.
Yakovlev O. I. Gerasimov M. V. Dikov Yu. P. Temperatures of Formation of HASP and GASP Particles [#1261] Comparison of chemical composition of HASP glasses and GASP particles with compositions of residual melt and corresponding equilibrium vapor for lunar mare basalt show correlation to experimental data at ~1870°–1650ºC and mass loss in the range 20–50%.
Edmunson J. Cohen B. A. Spilde M. N. Characterizing the Effect of Shock on Isotopic Ages I: Ferroan Anorthosite Major Elements [#2094] Ferroan anorthosites 62236 and 67075 do not show major element mobility due to shock in microprobe analysis. The shock pressure of 67075 is estimated at <50>
Sharp Z. D. Shearer C. K. Jr. Barnes J. D. The Chlorine Isotope Composition of the Moon [#2351] The chlorine isotope composition of leached pyroclastic glass (Apollo 17) were measured using gas source mass spectrometry and found to be -0.74‰ (vs. SMOC), different from bulk Earth (0‰). The Cl bulk concentration is 80 ± 20 ppm.
ten Kate I. L. Glavin D. P. VAPoR Team Evolved Gas Analysis of Two Lunar Simulants, Apollo 16 Regolith and a Carbonaceous Meteorite (Murchison) Using VAPoR [#2232] Volatile Analysis by Pyrolysis of Regolith (VAPoR) on the Moon using mass spectrometry is one technique that should be considered for in situ analysis of lunar regolith. Here we present evolved gas analysis data obtained with the VAPoR breadboard.
Wohl C. J. Belcher M. A. Hopkins J. W. Connell J. W. Topographical Modification of Materials for Lunar Dust Adhesion Mitigation [#1121] The surface energy of polymer films was reduced by topographical modification, towards lunar dust adhesion mitigation. Contact angle goniometry and microscopy characterized the modified surfaces. Laser ablation afforded high fidelity topographies.
Tranfield E. Rask J. C. Wallace W. T. Kerschmann R. Loftus D. J. Enhanced Chemical Reactivity of Crystalline Quartz by Mechanical Grinding [#2529] We have developed a technique for mechanically grinding crystalline silica which increases the chemical reactivity of the material as judged by the terephthalate assay. This technique uses a modern, commercially available ball mill.
Wallace W. T. Jeevarajan A. S. Understanding the Activation and Solution Properties of Lunar Dust for Future Lunar Habitation [#2483] Grinding of lunar dust results in increased hydroxyl radical production in solution. Lower pH and grinding causes lunar simulant to release increased amounts of ions into solution.
Horanyi M. Sternovsky Z. Gruen E. Srama R. Lankton M. Gathright D. The Lunar Dust EXperiment (LDEX) on the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Mission [#1741] LDEX is designed to map the variability of the spatial and size distributions of dust grains in the lunar environment.
Wilson T. L. Lunar Dust and Dusty Plasma Physics [#1314] Lunar dust is addressed using the physics of dusty plasmas. Equations for small dust grains on the Moon are given and related to MHD effects of plasma precipitation as it orbits through the Earth’s plasma sphere, magnetosphere, and the solar wind.
Taylor L. A. Liu Y. Zhang A. Shape and Size Relationship of Several Lunar Dusts: Preliminary Results [#2106] The abstract reports preliminary results of shape and size relationship of several lunar dusts.
Irwin S. A. Durrance S. T. Buhler C. R. Calle C. I. Method to Investigate the Charging of Lunar Dust Particles [#2521] Charging characteristics of lunar dust particles are studied experimentally with borosilicate glass beads in a constant electric field, within an environmental chamber at various humidities.
Cook A. C. Grande M. Preliminary Analysis of Transient Lunar Phenomena Catalog Data [#2429] We have completed a new catalog of Transient Lunar Phenomena and have performed an initial statistical analysis on this.
Crotts A. P. S. Berger A. Cecil G. Cseresnjes P. Ebel D. Hickson P. Joner M. Pfrommer T. Marka S. Morehead R. Radebaugh J. Schultz P. Status of a Program Monitoring Optical Lunar Surface Transients [#2373] We are observing the lunar near side intensively with a network of robotic imaging telescopes tuned to detect small transient changes in photometry (on timescales of ~1 to 100 min). We also describe a parallel program to detect quasi-permanent photometric surface changes.
Daly R. T. Radebaugh J. Austin D. E. Computational Study of the Lunar Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (LTMS): Meteorite Impacts and Outgassing Events [#2411] A miniature mass spectrometer uses imaging pattern analysis to determine the location, magnitude, and composition of meteorite impacts and regolith outgassing on the lunar surface. Simulations examine range, detection limit, and spatial resolution.
Archinal B. Lunar Geodesy and Cartography Working Group Activities of the NASA LPRP Lunar Geodesy and Cartography Working Group [#2095] We describe the purpose, operation, activities, and future plans of the NASA Lunar Precursor Robotic Program Lunar Geodesy and Cartography Working Group. New standards/recommendations and the need to geodetically control lunar datasets are examined.
Gaddis L. Becker T. Weller L. Hare T. Isbell C. Lunar Orbiter Digital Frame Mosaics: Ready for Prime Time [#2437] This abstract announces the availability of Lunar Orbiter (LO) projected and cosmetically processed frame mosaics. Frames from medium- and high-resolution cameras from LO missions III, IV, and V are available via the Lunar Orbiter Frame Viewer web tool at USGS.
Williams D. R. Schultz A. B. Hills H. K. Guinness E. A. Lowman P. D. Taylor P. T. Restoration of Apollo Data by the PDS Lunar Data Node [#1991] The Lunar Data Node (LDN) has been formed to put relevant, scientifically important Apollo data into accessible digital form for use by researchers and mission planners. We will report on progress made since last year and plans for future data restorations.
Broxton M. J. Moratto Z. M. Nefian A. Bunte M. Robinson M. S. Preliminary Stereo Reconstruction from Apollo 15 Metric Camera Imagery [#2282] We present preliminary results from automated stereo processing of 70 image pairs from the Apollo 15 Metric Camera. Geo-registration of these data is discussed, as well as a new algorithm for improved sub-pixel stereo matching.
McClanahan T. P. Evans L. G. Starr R. D. Mitrofanov I. Fast Ray Tracing of Lunar Digital Elevation Models [#2092] Methods for optimizing ray-tracing processes for radiation analysis of digital elevation models (DEM)’s. Point-vector methods are demonstrated using Clementine DEM to determine degree of illumination as a function for large-scale DEM analysis, complex orbital ephemeris.
Lee E. M. Gaddis L. R. Weller L. Richie J. O. Becker T. Shinaman J. Rosiek M. R. Archinal B. A. A New Clementine Basemap of the Moon [#2445] The new basemap of the Moon based on ULCN2005 will be distributed through USGS Map-A-Planet web site (http://www.mapaplanet.org). The image geometry was verified for accuracy, and radiometric and photometric corrections applied and mosaicked.
Losiak A. Wilhelms D. E. Byrne C. J. Thaisen K. Weider S. Z. Kohout T. O’Sulllivan K. Kring D. A. A New Lunar Impact Crater Database [#1532] The aim of this abstract is to describe a new database of lunar impact craters which integrates information concerning the locations and ages of craters, as well as various measured and calculated physical characteristics.
Korotev R. L. Zeigler R. A. Irving A. J. Bunch T. E. Keeping up with the Lunar Meteorites — 2009 [#1137] We report results of compositional analyses of 16 new lunar meteorite stones for which names have been approved since our report of last year and speculate about pairing relationships on the basis of composition and preliminary petrographic data.
Isaacson P. J. Liu Y. Patchen A. Pieters C. M. Taylor L. A. Integrated Analyses of Lunar Meteorites: Expanded Data for Lunar Ground Truth [#2119] Lunar meteorites are a valuable opportunity to expand our lunar sample library. We have conducted preliminary mineralogy/petrography/spectroscopy analyses needed to apply them as ground truth and to determine their geologic context with remote data.
Welten K. C. Owens T. L. DePaolo D. J. Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Studies of Sm and Gd Isotopic Shifts in Lunar Meteorites Due to Neutron Capture: A Progress Report [#2449] We will present preliminary TIMS measurements of Sm and Gd isotopic shifts in lunar meteorites due to neutron-capture effects. These studies will provide more insight in the evolutionary history of meteorites on the lunar surface.
Carpenter P. K. Zeigler R. A. Jolliff B. L. Vicenzi E. P. Davis J. M. Donovan J. J. Advances in Electron-Probe Microanalysis and Compositional Mapping: Applications to Lunar Samples [#2531] Advances in instrumentation and analytical techniques using EPMA and XRF have been applied to the study of lunar samples. The analysis of multiphase sample volumes using defocused beam analysis presents a central problem to both microanalysis and the study of lunar samples.
Snape J. F. Joy K. H. Crawford I. A. A Trace-Element Investigation of Lunar Meteorite Northeast Africa 001 [#1539] A trace-element investigation of NEA 001 (a feldspathic polymict breccia). Our results have revealed that several VLT basalt clasts in the sample have unusual REE profiles and positive Eu anomalies.
Foreman A. B. Korotev R. L. Zeigler R. A. Wittmann A. Kring D. A. Irving A. J. Kuehner S. M. Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Feldspathic Lunar Meteorite Shisr 161 [#2304] We present petrographic and geochemical analyses of the lunar meteorite Shisr 161 — a feldspathic regolith breccia compositionally similar to the NWA 3163/4483/4881 granulites.
Takeda H. Karouji Y. Ogawa Y. Otsuki M. Yamaguchi A. Ohtake M. Arai T. Matsunaga T. Haruyama J. Iron Contents of Plagioclases in Dhofar 307 Lunar Meteorite and Surface Materials of the Farside Large Basins [#1565] FeO contents of clear plagioclase crystals in Dhofar 307 lunar meteorite, have been determined in connection with spectral data of the Kaguya mission and propose a model of formation of such breccia in a large basin of the farside.
Liu Y. Zhang A. Thaisen K. G. Anand M. Taylor L. A. Mineralogy and Petrography of a Lunar Highland Breccia Meteorite, MIL 07006 [#2105] Mineralogy and petrography of a new lunar feldsphathic breccia, MIL 07006.
Rahilly K. E. Treiman A. H. Granulite Clasts of Intermediate Mg* in Lunar Meteorite ALHA 81005: Chemical Compositions and Origins [#1168] Many granulite clasts in lunar highland meteorites have Mg* (molar Mg/(Mg + Fe)) between those of ferroan anorthosite (FAN) and magnesian anorthositic granulite (MAG). Compositions of these clasts are inconsistent with simple mixing of MAG and FAN, but require multiple origins.
Fernandes V. A. Irving A. J. Kuehner S. M. Gellissen M. Korotev R. L. Bandfield J. L. Petrology, Bulk Composition, Ar-Ar Age and IR Emission Spectrum of Lunar Granulite Northwest Africa 4881 [#2009] Petrology, bulk composition, 40Ar-39Ar age and IR emission spectrum data of lunar granulite Northwest Africa 4881 will presented and showing the combination of laboratory and remotely sensed data is idea to search for meteorite provenance.
Joy K. H. Burgess R. Hinton R. Fernandes V. A. Crawford I. A. Kearsley A. T. Irving A. J. EIMF Team U-Pb and Ar-Ar Chronology of Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 4472 [#1708] We report Ar-Ar and U-Pb chronology studies of KREEP-rich lunar meteorite NWA 4472.
Liu D. Wan Y. Zhang Y. Dong C. Jolliff B. L. Zeigler R. A. Korotev R. L. Age of Zircons in the Impact-Melt Breccia in SaU 169 Lunar Meteorite: Beijing SHRIMP II Study [#2499] Age dating of zircon grains using SHRIMP methods yields an age of 3918 Ma for the mafic impact-melt breccia lithology in SaU 169, which is chemically and petrographically identical to a group of impact melt breccias from Apollo 12.
Nishiizumi K. Caffee M. W. Vogel N. Wieler R. Leclerc M. D. Jull A. J. T. Exposure History of Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 5000 [#1476] Cosmogenic radionuclides and noble gases were measured in NWA 5000. After ~600 Myr residence in the lunar regolith, it was ejected from a depth of ~335 g/cm2 on the Moon. The minimum transit time was 1.3 kyr with a short terrestrial age.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Chairs: Jacob Bleacher & Noah Petro
Neal C. R. The Lunar Exploration Roadmap: A Progress Report from the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG) [#2558] The paper is a summary of progress to date of progress of LEAG in developing a grassroots community Lunar Exploration Roadmap.
Stubbs T. J. Glenar D. A. * Richard D. T. Colaprete A. Predictions for the Optical Scattering at the Moon, as Observed by the LADEE UV/Vis Spectrometer [#2348] Predictions are made for exospheric atomic line emissions, coronal and zodiacal light, as well as for "lunar horizon glow" produced by the forward scattering of sunlight by exospheric dust.
Halekas J. S. * Delory G. T. Stubbs T. J. Farrell W. M. Lin R. P. Developing a Predictive Capability for Lunar Surface Charging During Solar Energetic Particle Events [#1357] We investigate lunar surface charging during solar energetic particle events, with the aim of developing a predictive capability. The lunar surface can charge to kilovolt-scale negative potentials during these events, which has possible implications for lunar exploration.
Xiao Z. * Zeng Z. Xie H. Birnbaum S. J. Zhang Z. A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Lunar-Dust Movement on the Lunar Magnetic Field [#1227] Result from our model, the Electromagnetic Induction Model of Charged Active Lunar Dust, suggests the movement of lunar dust has influenced the lunar magnetic field and the influence is not negligible.
Kuhlman K. R. * Sridharan K. Garrison D. H. McKay D. S. Taylor L. A. Decay of Reactivity Induced by Simulated Solar Wind Implantation of a Forsteritic Olivine [#2303] LADTAG is studying the lifetime of reactive sites on the surfaces of irradiated lunar analogs of interest to those studying human health because of the free radicals that may be formed and not passivate when exposed to spacecraft air.
Siegler M. A. * Bills B. G. Paige D. A. History of the Lunar Polar Cryosphere [#2259] Cold traps near the lunar poles have not always existed due to changes in the lunar orbit. We examine a 4.5 Byr history of insolation in the lunar polar environment and the resulting surface and subsurface temperatures to comment on ice mobility.
Hibbitts C. A. * Dyar M. D. Orlando T. M. Grieves G. Szanyi J. Cold Trapping of Volatiles in the Lunar Regolith [#1926] Water may cold trap (cryosorb) onto non-ice materials at the lunar poles, and not exist as ice. Water can remain present, adsorbed onto the samples, at several 10s of degrees above which its ice would sublime, but not at or near room temperature.
Fouch M. J. * Garnero E. J. Robinson M. S. Yu H. A New Paradigm for Seismic Exploration of the Moon, Mars, and Beyond [#2233] In this abstract, we propose a new approach to seismic exploration of the Moon using arrays of seismic systems, which we term Small Aperture Lunar Seismic Arrays (SALSAs).
Li R. * Wu B. He S. Skopljak B. Yilmaz A. Jiang J. Banks M. S. Oman C. Bhasin K. B. Warner J. D. Knoblock E. J. LASOIS: Enhancing the Spatial Orientation Capabilities of Astronauts on the Lunar Surface [#1191] This paper presents the initial efforts in developing a Lunar Astronaut Spatial Orientation and Information System (LASOIS) to enhance the spatial-orientation capabilities of astronauts on the lunar surface to support future lunar manned missions.
Kohout T. * O’Sullivan K. Losiak A. Thaisen K. G. Weider S. Kring D. A. Scientific Opportunities for Human Exploration of the Moon’s Schrödinger Basin [#1572] The Schrödinger Basin provides a diverse suite of scientific opportunities because of the superposition of several geologic processes and because of its relatively young age. Three possible landing sites were evaluated for human exploration.
Clark P. E. * Bleacher J. Mest S. Petro N. Leshin L. Lunar Field Exploration Scenarios for a South Pole Outpost [#1135] Three major 10–100’s km scale field science thrusts could address high priority science objectives from the outpost: 1) SPA Basin structure (Malapert, Schrodinger); 2) Bombardment history, South Pole Highlands; 3) Volatile anomaly and inventory study.
Bleacher J. * Clark P. E. Mest S. Petro N. Leshin L. Lunar Field Exploration Scenarios for Three Sorties [#2148] We report the planning of three representative science objective-driven Apollo J scale (10 km radius) sortie missions to sites of potentially high science yield (Marius Hills, Olivine Hill, Nectaris Basin) to supplement outpost activity.
Yingst R. A. * Gregg T. K. P. Lunar Geologic Mapping: A Preliminary Map of a Portion of the Marius Quadrangle [#1319] As part of a new lunar mapping program, we report on a 1:2,500,000-scale preliminary map of a subset of Lunar Quadrangle 10 and discuss the first-order science results.
Abdrakhimov A. M. Re-Examine Lunokhod Sites: Old and New Geochemical Data [#2547] The geochemical comparing of soviet lunar rovers data and Clementine data were executed.
Evans R. Wöhler C. Lena R. Analysis of Absorption Trough Features Using Clementine UVVIS+NIR Imagery [#1093] This study explores the mapping of spectral parameters of lunar features, describing the absorption trough near 1000 nm, using the calibrated Clementine UVVIS+NIR data set covering the wavelength range between 415 and 2000 nm.
Peters S. Foing B. H. Koschny D. Grieger B. Lossett J.-L. Beauvivre S. Grande M. Huovelin J. Keller H. U. Mall U. Nathues A. Malkki A. Noci G. Sodnik Z. Kellett B. Pinet P. Chevrel S. Cerroni P. de Sanctis M. C. Barucci M. A. Erard S. Despan D. Muinonen K. Shevchenko V. Shkuratov Y. Ellouzi M. Peters S. Borst A. Bexkens F. Almeida M. Frew D. Volp J. Heather D. McMannamon P. Camino O. Racca G. SMART-1: Review of Lunar Highlights [#2298] The SMART-1 spacecraft operated from 400-3000 km for 1.5 year until impact. We shall report at LPSC2009 on SMART-1 lunar highlights relevant for science and exploration, in relation with subsequent missions Kaguya, Chang’E1 and Chandrayaan-1.
Ivatury V. McClanahan T. P. Image Restoration of Lunar Neutron Albedo Maps for the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) [#1134] Determine the optimal image restoration technique for restoring the hydrogen lunar albedo maps for the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).
Khisina N. Nazarov M. Senin V. Mohov A. Cr-Ca Symplectite Lamellea in an Olivinen Grain from the Luna-24 Regolith [#1053] Lamellae of Cr-Ca symplectites consisted of spinel + diopside + ortopyroxene + larnie in the olivine grain from Luna-24 regolith were investigated using of EMPA and ASEM. The origin of the Ca-Cr symplectite lamellae is discussed.
Lena R. Wöhler C. Effusive Lunar Domes Near Kepler and Piccolomini: Morphometry and Mode of Emplacement [#1092] In this study we provide a comparative morphometric and rheologic analysis of two lunar effusive domes, located in Oceanus Procellarum to the west of the crater Kepler, and inside Rupes Altai near the crater Piccolomini, respectively.
McCallum I. S. Mullen E. K. Mare Basalt Petrogenesis Revisited: Rb/Sr, Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf Fractionation Factors, Mantle Source Regions and Crustal Contamination [#2380] Fractionation factors (Rb/Sr, Sm/Nd, Lu/Hf) of mare basalts at the time of formation constrain the mineralogy and melt fraction of mantle sources. For all but high-K basalts, mantle residues are harzburgitic. High-K basalts are KREEP contaminated.
Pugacheva S. G. Shevchenko V. V. Chikmachev V. I. The Dependence of the Chemistry on the Depth for the South Pole-Aitken Lunar Basin [#1109] The distribution of the major chemical elements (Fe and Th) depending upon the structure height levels of the South Pole-Aitken Lunar Basin, has been obtained.
Shevchenko V. El-Baz F. Gaddis L. Hiesinger H. Shkuratov Yu. Whitaker E. Wilson L. Blue J. The IAU/WGPSN Lunar Task Group and the Status of Lunar Nomenclature [#2016] This abstract summarizes the rules for naming features on planets as well as the status of nomenclature for the Moon.
Wöhler C. Lena R. The Lunar Concentric Crater Archytas G Associated with an Intrusive Dome [#1091] In this study we show that the lunar concentric crater Archytas G is associated with the intrusive dome Ar1. We estimate the morphometric parameters of Archytas G and Ar1 and discuss possible modes of formation for the concentric crater.
Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XL (2009)
- Presentations related to the study of the Moon -
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