1:30 p.m. Waterway Ballroom 6
Chairs: Juliane Gross
Mirjam van Kan Parker
1:30 p.m. Waterway Ballroom 6
Chairs: Juliane Gross
Mirjam van Kan Parker
1:30 p.m. Barr J. A. * Grove T. L. Primordial Lunar Mantle Melts and Assimilated Magma Ocean Cumulates: Implications for the Depth of the Lunar Magma Ocean Based on Ultramafic Glass Compositions [#2427] We have developed a model to predict the chemistry of primordial lunar mantle melts. These model melts can be used in mixing calculations to help constrain the depth of magma ocean cumulates, and by association the depth of the lunar magma ocean.
1:45 p.m. Elardo S. M. * Draper D. S. Shearer C. K. Magma Ocean Composition and the Lunar Mantle: Implications for the Source Lithologies of the Highlands Magnesian Suite [#1450] Experiments have been conducted on two bulk Moon compositions to assess whether the earliest cumulates from the lunar magma ocean could have served as the source lithologies for the Mg-rich, Ni, Co and Cr- poor mafic silicates of the Mg-suite.
2:00 p.m. Sakai R. * Kushiro I. Nagahara H. Ozawa K. Tachibana S. Chemical Composition of Lunar Magma Ocean Constrained by High Pressure Experiments [#2066] We report our attempts to constrain bulk chemical compositions of lunar magma ocean based on experimental constraints from physical properties of magma that can float anorthite to form the lunar anorthosite crust.
2:15 p.m. van Kan Parker M. * Mason P. Liebscher A. Frei D. van Sijl J. Blundy J. Franz G. van Westrenen W. Trace Element Evolution During Lunar Magma Ocean Crystallisation [#1588] We present new experimental results on orthopyroxene-melt and ilmenite-melt partitioning that can be used for predictive modelling of lunar magma ocean crystallisation of major and trace elements.
1:45 p.m. Elardo S. M. * Draper D. S. Shearer C. K. Magma Ocean Composition and the Lunar Mantle: Implications for the Source Lithologies of the Highlands Magnesian Suite [#1450] Experiments have been conducted on two bulk Moon compositions to assess whether the earliest cumulates from the lunar magma ocean could have served as the source lithologies for the Mg-rich, Ni, Co and Cr- poor mafic silicates of the Mg-suite.
2:00 p.m. Sakai R. * Kushiro I. Nagahara H. Ozawa K. Tachibana S. Chemical Composition of Lunar Magma Ocean Constrained by High Pressure Experiments [#2066] We report our attempts to constrain bulk chemical compositions of lunar magma ocean based on experimental constraints from physical properties of magma that can float anorthite to form the lunar anorthosite crust.
2:15 p.m. van Kan Parker M. * Mason P. Liebscher A. Frei D. van Sijl J. Blundy J. Franz G. van Westrenen W. Trace Element Evolution During Lunar Magma Ocean Crystallisation [#1588] We present new experimental results on orthopyroxene-melt and ilmenite-melt partitioning that can be used for predictive modelling of lunar magma ocean crystallisation of major and trace elements.
Figure 1: Very large dark mantle deposits (DMDs) on the central nearside. These pyroclastic deposits are cover 10,00s km2. (a) 0.75 μm albedo image and (b) 2 μm IBD/1 μm IBD. While all three regions are dark, only the two Sinus Aestuum deposits have strong 2 μm relative to 1μm absorptions.
2:30 p.m. Sunshine J. M. * Besse S. Petro N. E. Pieters C. M. Head J. W. Taylor L. A. Klima R. L. Isaacson P. J. Boardman J. W. Clark R. C. M3 Team
Hidden in Plain Sight: Spinel-rich Deposits on the Nearside of the Moon as Revealed by Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) [#1508] The Moon Mineralogy Mapper has revealed a new, unique, and unexpected spinel-rich lithology on the central nearside. These spinel-rich deposits are found only among the Sinus Aestuum pyroclastic deposits and are notably absent from nearby Rima Bode.
2:45 p.m. Pieters C. M. * Boardman J. Buratti B. Clark R. Combe J. P. Green R. Goswami J. N. Head J. W. Hicks M. Isaacson P. Klima R. Kramer G. Kumar K. Lundeen S. Malaret E. McCord T. B. Mustard J. Nettles J. Petro N. Runyon C. Staid M. Sunshine J. Taylor L. A. Thaisen K. Tompkins S. Varanasi P.Identification of a New Spinel-rich Lunar Rock Type by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) [#1854] Diffuse and widely separated regions along the highly feldspathic inner ring of Moscoviense Basin exhibit unusual mineral components. One composition is a new rock type dominated by Mg-spinel with no detectible mafic silicates (<5%). style="text-align: center;">
Hidden in Plain Sight: Spinel-rich Deposits on the Nearside of the Moon as Revealed by Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) [#1508] The Moon Mineralogy Mapper has revealed a new, unique, and unexpected spinel-rich lithology on the central nearside. These spinel-rich deposits are found only among the Sinus Aestuum pyroclastic deposits and are notably absent from nearby Rima Bode.
2:45 p.m. Pieters C. M. * Boardman J. Buratti B. Clark R. Combe J. P. Green R. Goswami J. N. Head J. W. Hicks M. Isaacson P. Klima R. Kramer G. Kumar K. Lundeen S. Malaret E. McCord T. B. Mustard J. Nettles J. Petro N. Runyon C. Staid M. Sunshine J. Taylor L. A. Thaisen K. Tompkins S. Varanasi P.Identification of a New Spinel-rich Lunar Rock Type by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) [#1854] Diffuse and widely separated regions along the highly feldspathic inner ring of Moscoviense Basin exhibit unusual mineral components. One composition is a new rock type dominated by Mg-spinel with no detectible mafic silicates (<5%). style="text-align: center;">

A month after the departure of the last Apollo mission, Soviet lander Luna 17 is examined by Lunokhod 2, which had just delivered the second of only two unmanned rovers ever to explore the Moon to Le Monnier Crater, near the edge of Mare Serenitatis. "The solar-powered Lunockod 2 rover operated for about 4 months on the surface, covering more than 37 km of terrain, including hilly upland slopes and rilles. It returned 86 panoarmic images and more than 80,000 television images.
Abdrakhimov A. M. Basilevsky A. T. Re-Examination of Lunokhod Sites: Panoramas and Aims for LROC Investigations [#2173] Lunokhod 1 and 2 panoramas were digitized. Analyses of panoramas could define three lunar landscape types: mare plain, highland, joint fissure area. High resolution LRO camera will help us to locate Lunokhod 1 site and refine both rover traverses.
Eldridge D. L. Korteniemi J. Lough T. Singer K. I. Werblin L. Kring D. A. Sampling the Youngest and Oldest Mare Basalts: Important Lunar Regions [#1486] Basalts spanning the duration of lunar mare volcanism are incompletely sampled. Presented here is a brief summary of the current knowledge of mare basalt ages and a set of exploration targets where the youngest and oldest mare basalts may be found.
Evans R. Lena R. Wöhler C. Berezhnoy A. Mons Hansteen: Morphometry, Petrographic Mapping, and Mode of Emplacement [#1475] This contribution describes the determination of the morphometric and rheologic properties of the lunar highland dome Mons Hansteen. Furthermore, the abundances of several elements are estimated for Mons Hansteen based on multispectral imagery.
Garvin J. B. Mitrofanov I. Smith D. E. Malakhov A. Zuber M. T. Neumann G. Sanin A. Mazarico E. Lunar Polar Hydrogen Correlations with Impact Crater Geometry from LRO LEND and LOLA Observations [#2224] Spatial clustering analysis of lunar polar region impact crater geometric properties measured from LRO LOLA together with neutron fluxes measured from LRO LEND indicates that there are associations between state of crater degradation and estimated regolith hydrogen content.
Gerasimenko S. Yu. Kaydash V. G. Shkuratov Yu. G. Opanasenko N. V. Velikodsky Yu. I. Korokhin V. V. Phase Angle Ratio Images of Color Index C (610/480 nm) of West Portion of the Lunar Nearside [#1445] We map the color index phase ratios for the lunar nearside. At phase angles 2°–50° the color index C (610/480 nm) of highlands grows with phase angle faster than that for maria. The opposite effect is observed at larger phase angles, 50°–95°.
Korokhin V. V. Velikodsky Yu. I. Shkuratov Yu. G. Kaydash V. G. Gerasimenko S. Yu. Opanasenko N. V. Comparison Between Kaguya (Selene) Altimetry Data and Lunar Topography Retrieved from Photoclinometry [#1356] A new technique to map the zonal component of the lunar topography slopes using telescopic photometry imagery and to correct photometric data for the topography influence is proposed. We compare our map with the Kaguya laser altimetry (LALT) data.
Kozlova E. A. Lazarev E. N. Crater Cabeus as Possible Cold Trap for Volatiles Near South Pole of the Moon [#1779] Crater Cabeus has been chosen by NASA as a target for impact experiment of LCROSS mission. On the basis of topographical data from KAGUYA we made a topographical model of Cabeus, the illumination map for crater and investigate the temperature distribution in crater.
Lena R. Woehler C. Phillips J. Berezhnoy A. An Effusive Lunar Dome in the Light Plains of the Crater Meton [#1470] A lunar effusive dome is identified on the floor of the crater Meton on typical light plains material, suggesting the occurrence of non-mare volcanism in the light plains regions.
Li X. Wang S. Tang H. Zheng Y. Primitive Results from Passive Microwave Exploration in Chinese Chang’e Lunar Mission [#1036] A microwave radiometer was loaded in the Chinese Chang’E lunar mission and a lot of data was received. By analyzing these data, some characteristics of brightness temperature and primitive results have been obtained.
Lu Y. Correlations Between Iron Abundances and Lunar Surface Features: Crater Kepler Area [#1258] Since iron is one of the major mineral forming elements on the Moon, iron abundance can show composition and the stratigraphy of the lunar crust details, and it can help us to understand the formation, distribution and variety of lunar mare basalts.
McKay D. S. Wentworth S. J. Thomas-Keprta K. L. Ross K. Clemett S. J. Volcanic Coatings on Picritic Apollo 17 Glasses: Submicrometer-Deposits of Fe-, Cr-Metal [#2509] We are investigating the origin and evolution of volcanic surface coatings on Apollo 15 green and Apollo 17 black glasses.
Mendell W. W. Noble S. K. The Epiregolith [#1348] Successful models of the non-Lambertian character of lunar surface albedo and emissivity imply the existence of a lattice-like layer, several particles thick, where photon interactions occur and which may be the product of grain charging by the solar wind.
Mendell W. W. How Cold Are the Floors of Lunar Polar Shadowed Craters? [#1352] The epiregolith in permanently shadowed polar regions may have a very fine size distribution, leading to greatly reduced emissivity at wavelengths >100 μm. Diviner readings in this situation may not be a reliable representation of the physical temperature.
Nemchin A. A. Whitehouse M. J. Grange M. L. Muhling J. R. High U-Pb Ratios in the Source of Low-Ti Volcanic Glass Beads from the Apollo 14 Soil [#1836] Green volcanic glass beads from the Apollo 14 soil sample indicate high U-Pb ratios in their source, suggesting that the mantle sources of magmas forming glass beads and mare basalts could be similar.
Parmentier E. M. Liang Y. Formation of Pure Anorthosite During Lunar Magma Ocean Solidification: Implications for the Melt-Solid Segregation Process [#1824] SELENE remote sensing data indicate nearly pure anorthosite in crater central peaks. Segregation of plagioclase from denser mafic minerals by shearing in granular flow and by migration of residual liquid from a compacting solid matrix are examined.
Pugacheva S. G. Sv. Shevchenko V. V. Vl. The Chemical Composition of Regolith at the Moon’s South Pole, According to Data of Lunar Prospector and Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter Missions [#1297] Comparative evaluation of the chemical composition of the soil matters in the lunar craters with “cold traps.”
Richard D. T. Glenar D. A. Stubbs T. J. Davis S. S. Colaprete A. Light Scattering in the Lunar Orbital Environment by Non-Spherical Dust Grains [#2704] We compute the scattering properties of non-spherical lunar dust grain models using the Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) for use in data analysis of optical diagnostics recorded in the lunar environment.
Slyuta E. N. Abdrakhimov A. M. Basilevsky A. T. Lazarev E. N. Dolgopolov V. P. Sheikhet A. I. Landing Sites for the Russian Luna-Resurs Mission to the Moon [#1141] Considering that mission will be in October 2012, two landing sites have been selected, both in the south pole region: #1 (basic), and #2 (back-up).
Tang H. Wang S. Li X. Experimental Simulation of Nanophase Iron Production in Lunar Space Weathering [#1041] In the study, an experiment using microwave heating and magnetron sputtering techniques to simulating nanophase iron both in glass phase and on the grain surface is proposed.
Velikodsky Yu. I. Opanasenko N. V. Akimov L. A. Korokhin V. V. Shkuratov Yu. G. Kaydash V. G. Kharkiv Absolute Photometry of the Moon [#1760] A two-month series of quasi-simultaneous imaging photometric observations of the Moon and the Sun has been performed at Maidanak. New values of lunar albedo have been obtained. They turn out about 15–25% higher than that in previous works.
Wang L. Xiang S. Gao J. Lin X. Lv Z. Huang Y. Huang D. The Discovery of Water on Lunar: Indication on Searching for Life on it [#1592] The discovery of water on the Moon: Indication on searching for life on it.
Wöhler C. Lena R. Pau K. C. Lunar Intrusive Domes on the Floor of Grimaldi and Near Aristillus [#1478] In this contribution we examine two large lunar domes of probably intrusive origin. The morphometric properties of the domes are derived, and geophysical parameters (intrusion depth, magma pressure) are estimated based on modeling.
Eldridge D. L. Korteniemi J. Lough T. Singer K. I. Werblin L. Kring D. A. Sampling the Youngest and Oldest Mare Basalts: Important Lunar Regions [#1486] Basalts spanning the duration of lunar mare volcanism are incompletely sampled. Presented here is a brief summary of the current knowledge of mare basalt ages and a set of exploration targets where the youngest and oldest mare basalts may be found.
Evans R. Lena R. Wöhler C. Berezhnoy A. Mons Hansteen: Morphometry, Petrographic Mapping, and Mode of Emplacement [#1475] This contribution describes the determination of the morphometric and rheologic properties of the lunar highland dome Mons Hansteen. Furthermore, the abundances of several elements are estimated for Mons Hansteen based on multispectral imagery.
Garvin J. B. Mitrofanov I. Smith D. E. Malakhov A. Zuber M. T. Neumann G. Sanin A. Mazarico E. Lunar Polar Hydrogen Correlations with Impact Crater Geometry from LRO LEND and LOLA Observations [#2224] Spatial clustering analysis of lunar polar region impact crater geometric properties measured from LRO LOLA together with neutron fluxes measured from LRO LEND indicates that there are associations between state of crater degradation and estimated regolith hydrogen content.
Gerasimenko S. Yu. Kaydash V. G. Shkuratov Yu. G. Opanasenko N. V. Velikodsky Yu. I. Korokhin V. V. Phase Angle Ratio Images of Color Index C (610/480 nm) of West Portion of the Lunar Nearside [#1445] We map the color index phase ratios for the lunar nearside. At phase angles 2°–50° the color index C (610/480 nm) of highlands grows with phase angle faster than that for maria. The opposite effect is observed at larger phase angles, 50°–95°.
Korokhin V. V. Velikodsky Yu. I. Shkuratov Yu. G. Kaydash V. G. Gerasimenko S. Yu. Opanasenko N. V. Comparison Between Kaguya (Selene) Altimetry Data and Lunar Topography Retrieved from Photoclinometry [#1356] A new technique to map the zonal component of the lunar topography slopes using telescopic photometry imagery and to correct photometric data for the topography influence is proposed. We compare our map with the Kaguya laser altimetry (LALT) data.
Kozlova E. A. Lazarev E. N. Crater Cabeus as Possible Cold Trap for Volatiles Near South Pole of the Moon [#1779] Crater Cabeus has been chosen by NASA as a target for impact experiment of LCROSS mission. On the basis of topographical data from KAGUYA we made a topographical model of Cabeus, the illumination map for crater and investigate the temperature distribution in crater.
Lena R. Woehler C. Phillips J. Berezhnoy A. An Effusive Lunar Dome in the Light Plains of the Crater Meton [#1470] A lunar effusive dome is identified on the floor of the crater Meton on typical light plains material, suggesting the occurrence of non-mare volcanism in the light plains regions.
Li X. Wang S. Tang H. Zheng Y. Primitive Results from Passive Microwave Exploration in Chinese Chang’e Lunar Mission [#1036] A microwave radiometer was loaded in the Chinese Chang’E lunar mission and a lot of data was received. By analyzing these data, some characteristics of brightness temperature and primitive results have been obtained.
Lu Y. Correlations Between Iron Abundances and Lunar Surface Features: Crater Kepler Area [#1258] Since iron is one of the major mineral forming elements on the Moon, iron abundance can show composition and the stratigraphy of the lunar crust details, and it can help us to understand the formation, distribution and variety of lunar mare basalts.
McKay D. S. Wentworth S. J. Thomas-Keprta K. L. Ross K. Clemett S. J. Volcanic Coatings on Picritic Apollo 17 Glasses: Submicrometer-Deposits of Fe-, Cr-Metal [#2509] We are investigating the origin and evolution of volcanic surface coatings on Apollo 15 green and Apollo 17 black glasses.
Mendell W. W. Noble S. K. The Epiregolith [#1348] Successful models of the non-Lambertian character of lunar surface albedo and emissivity imply the existence of a lattice-like layer, several particles thick, where photon interactions occur and which may be the product of grain charging by the solar wind.
Mendell W. W. How Cold Are the Floors of Lunar Polar Shadowed Craters? [#1352] The epiregolith in permanently shadowed polar regions may have a very fine size distribution, leading to greatly reduced emissivity at wavelengths >100 μm. Diviner readings in this situation may not be a reliable representation of the physical temperature.
Nemchin A. A. Whitehouse M. J. Grange M. L. Muhling J. R. High U-Pb Ratios in the Source of Low-Ti Volcanic Glass Beads from the Apollo 14 Soil [#1836] Green volcanic glass beads from the Apollo 14 soil sample indicate high U-Pb ratios in their source, suggesting that the mantle sources of magmas forming glass beads and mare basalts could be similar.
Parmentier E. M. Liang Y. Formation of Pure Anorthosite During Lunar Magma Ocean Solidification: Implications for the Melt-Solid Segregation Process [#1824] SELENE remote sensing data indicate nearly pure anorthosite in crater central peaks. Segregation of plagioclase from denser mafic minerals by shearing in granular flow and by migration of residual liquid from a compacting solid matrix are examined.
Pugacheva S. G. Sv. Shevchenko V. V. Vl. The Chemical Composition of Regolith at the Moon’s South Pole, According to Data of Lunar Prospector and Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter Missions [#1297] Comparative evaluation of the chemical composition of the soil matters in the lunar craters with “cold traps.”
Richard D. T. Glenar D. A. Stubbs T. J. Davis S. S. Colaprete A. Light Scattering in the Lunar Orbital Environment by Non-Spherical Dust Grains [#2704] We compute the scattering properties of non-spherical lunar dust grain models using the Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) for use in data analysis of optical diagnostics recorded in the lunar environment.
Slyuta E. N. Abdrakhimov A. M. Basilevsky A. T. Lazarev E. N. Dolgopolov V. P. Sheikhet A. I. Landing Sites for the Russian Luna-Resurs Mission to the Moon [#1141] Considering that mission will be in October 2012, two landing sites have been selected, both in the south pole region: #1 (basic), and #2 (back-up).
Tang H. Wang S. Li X. Experimental Simulation of Nanophase Iron Production in Lunar Space Weathering [#1041] In the study, an experiment using microwave heating and magnetron sputtering techniques to simulating nanophase iron both in glass phase and on the grain surface is proposed.
Velikodsky Yu. I. Opanasenko N. V. Akimov L. A. Korokhin V. V. Shkuratov Yu. G. Kaydash V. G. Kharkiv Absolute Photometry of the Moon [#1760] A two-month series of quasi-simultaneous imaging photometric observations of the Moon and the Sun has been performed at Maidanak. New values of lunar albedo have been obtained. They turn out about 15–25% higher than that in previous works.
Wang L. Xiang S. Gao J. Lin X. Lv Z. Huang Y. Huang D. The Discovery of Water on Lunar: Indication on Searching for Life on it [#1592] The discovery of water on the Moon: Indication on searching for life on it.
Wöhler C. Lena R. Pau K. C. Lunar Intrusive Domes on the Floor of Grimaldi and Near Aristillus [#1478] In this contribution we examine two large lunar domes of probably intrusive origin. The morphometric properties of the domes are derived, and geophysical parameters (intrusion depth, magma pressure) are estimated based on modeling.
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