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Under an early afternoon Sun subtle albedo contrasts stand out more than the 600 meters high effusive dome in Mare Vaporum, first discussed HERE, February 19. LROC Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) mosaic M1098830275LR, LRO orbit 14284, August 5, 2012; 1.28 meters resolution from 126.74 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University]. |
Raffaello Lena and Barry Fitz-Gerald
GLR group
In a previous communication we reported a volcanic structure located some 40 km west-southwest of the crater Yangel in Mare Vaporum (16.44°N, 3.27°E), southeast of Sinus Fidei.
It is characterized by the presence of dark pyroclastic material, also distributed on the inner slope of the ruined crater immediately north of the elevated non-monogenetic volcanic dome, suggesting an ash type deposit.
The morphometric properties we reported (620 meters high, slope 13.4°) indicate the dome presumably formed during several stages of effusion, a process that may build up steep edifices followed by a subsequent explosive phase of volcanism producing the dark pyroclastic deposit. In this follow-up we include further analysis and spectral data of the unusual volcanic construct.
GLR group
In a previous communication we reported a volcanic structure located some 40 km west-southwest of the crater Yangel in Mare Vaporum (16.44°N, 3.27°E), southeast of Sinus Fidei.
It is characterized by the presence of dark pyroclastic material, also distributed on the inner slope of the ruined crater immediately north of the elevated non-monogenetic volcanic dome, suggesting an ash type deposit.
The morphometric properties we reported (620 meters high, slope 13.4°) indicate the dome presumably formed during several stages of effusion, a process that may build up steep edifices followed by a subsequent explosive phase of volcanism producing the dark pyroclastic deposit. In this follow-up we include further analysis and spectral data of the unusual volcanic construct.
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Our closest available look at the 620 meter high effusive dome on the northern edge of Mare Vaporum, and its apparent dark mantle intrusion, disrupting the rim of an ancient ghost crater; a roughly 1600 by 3800 meter field of view, two contiguous strips from the full range captured in LROC NAC mosaic M168183822LR, orbit 9919, August 17, 2011; incidence angle 42.22° at 40 cm per pixel resolution from 24.42 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University]. |
The northern flank of the dome partially covers the southern rim of a partially submerged pre-mare, impact crater (approx. 7 kms in diameter), which appears to have undergone subsidence to the east, where the craters wall is only visible as a feint 'ghost ring.' The height of the western rim is approximately 200 m above the mare surface, giving an indication of the vertical displacement affecting the eastern rim. This subsidence could be the consequence of crustal downwarp, but may also be a result of faulting, with the eastern wall being on the downthrow side of a north-south orientated fault. It is worth noting that a continuation of Rima Yangel to the west would intercept the crater rim at the position of the breach, though if this tectonic feature is related to the breach, it does not extend to the craters western rim. Evidence for subsidence or faulting is provided by the overall morphology of the dome and the rather 'off-center' appearance of the upper slopes relative to the apron as seen in Fig.1B with the apron to the west of an apparently greater extent than to the east. It is possible that if this apron was previously symmetrical, tilting would have lowered its level in the east with subsequent obscuration during the emplacement of the mare lavas, as is the case with the eastern crater rim.
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Figure 1A and 1B - LROC (Arizona State University) Quickmap and NAC images show the effusive dome on the north edge of Mare Vaporum (A) and detail (B) showing possible vent complex (circled:B) and dark mantling (DM) on the ghost crater's southern wall. B: LROC NAC M181144987LR, LRO orbit 11810, January 14, 2012, scaled down from 1.3 meters per pixel resolution, from 128 km [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University]. |
This may reflect mass wastage of the darker surface layers on steeper slopes to reveal either a fresh, low maturity soil beneath or soils of differing composition. The surface albedo of the northern flank appears lower than elsewhere on the dome, which may indicate the presence dark pyroclastic mantling deposit.
The summit of the dome is occupied by a number of rimless depressions, with the most conspicuous being roughly square in outline (approx. 400 m across) within which is a large smooth rimmed crater (approx. 150m diam). This square feature (Fig.2A) appears to be displaced slightly to the east of the dome summit, possibly as a result of subsidence which is discussed above. The square depression appears to be bounded by a fault scarp, whilst the smooth rimmed central crater within lacks a sharp rim, and may be of volcanic rather than an impact origin. This square depression and central crater may represent some form of vent complex.
The eastern side of the dome shows evidence of slope failure, with an arcuate scar cutting the upper eastern flank, beneath which the slope is modified by radial and sub radial grooves, possibly representing erosion gullies. This asymmetric slope failure affecting the eastern flanks may be related to the subsidence postulated above. This presumes that the dome was emplaced prior to any episodes of subsidence and therefore prone to de-stabilising slope modification occurring as a result.
To the north of the dome and lying on the inner slope of the ruined crater wall is an area covered by a low albedo mantle. These low albedo deposits are patchy, with a darker surface layer overlying a lighter subsurface, again possibly as a result of exposure of fresh, immature material or material of a differing composition.
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Figure 2A - Full resolution (40 cm) resolution detail of depression and crater within - LROC NAC M168183822LR [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University]. |
The Clementine UVVIS ratio enhances color differences related to soil mineralogy and maturity. The color ratio image is obtained assigning the R750/R415, R750/R950 and R415/R750 into the red, green, and blue channels of a color image, respectively.
For the spectral study the Multiband Imager (MI) on the Selenological and Engineering Explorer (Selene) with both visible and near infrared coverage in the spectral bands at 415, 750, 900, 950, 1000, 1050, 1250, and 1550 nm have been used. The spectral data were normalized using the region of Sinus Aestuum 2 site and calibrated using bidirectional reflectance corrected Keck 120 color spectral data for Sinus Aestuum 2. The color ratio image obtained with Selene-1 MI and assigning the R750/R415, R750/R950 and R415/R750 into the red, green, and blue channels of a color image, confirms the results found with the Clementine imagery but with higher spatial resolution. According to preceding findings the dark material extends beyond the dome itself into the flooded crater to the north, suggesting an ash type deposit and displays a blue color with a compositional contrast between the whole dome and the mare based on the UVVIS ratios imagery (Fig. 4).
We also used the Chandrayaan-1’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) data between 460 to 3000 nm. For this work M3 data at a resolution of 140 mpp were calibrated and photometrically corrected and converted to apparent reflectance. These spectra are not thermally corrected, so they are not analyzed for wavelengths longer than 2300 nm as these have a significant thermal emission component. In order to characterize the 1000 nm band a continuum removal method that enhances the characteristic of the 1000 nm absorption band was used. We fit a straight line between 750 and 1500 nm to remove the continuum.
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Figure 6 - M3 spectra of the pyroclastic deposit located on the surface of the volcanic dome, previous described by the authors, HERE. |
The spectral signature of olivine has a wide band centered beyond 1000 nm, while the pyroxenes displays a narrow trough around 1000 nm, with a minimum wavelength below 1000 nm, and a wide absorption band around 2000 nm. Interestingly, the dark pyroclastic deposit has a narrower absorption (centered at 970 nm) than the mare unit, such that it cannot be enriched in olivine when compared to the mare. Probably the previously detected Clementine-specific olivine signatures are only partially due to olivine but also due to mis-calibration. Although the continuum-removed M3 spectrum of the crater seems to be noisy, it displays three absorption bands centered at 920, 970 and 1029 nm, likely due to admixed quantity of pyroxenes and olivine.
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The effusive dome (center) lords over the northern extremes of Mare Vaporum in this view of the north central nearside captured on Earth (stacked CCD image) and processed by Astronominsk, May 31, 2009. Twenty-one kilometer wide Conon crater adds some scale to the area, scoured out by the Imbrium basin-forming-impact 3.8 billion years ago. Under sunrise illumination, the dome's true height can be seen clearly [Astronominsk]. |
Email: Raffaello Lena <gibbidomine@libero.it> Barry Fitz-Gerald <barryfitz_gerald@hotmail.com>
REFERENCE: Lucey, P. G., Blewett, D. T., Jolliff, B.L. Lunar iron and titanium abundance algorithms based on final processing of Clementine ultraviolet-visible images, J. Geophys. Res., 105(E8), 20,297–20,305 (2000)
(*) Mapping FeO and TiO2 content
Classic approaches to the estimation of FeO and TiO2 are based on the evaluation of Clementine UVVIS reflectance. Lucey et al (2000) derive the equation:
Wt % FeO = 17.427θFe – 7.565
where θFe is calculated according to: θFe = - arctan [(R950 / R750) – yFe / R750 – xFe] as the polar angle in the R950 /R750 vs. R750 diagram with respect to the reference point (xFe, yFe ) = (0.08, 1.19).
Similarly for the abundance of TiO2 Lucey et al. (2000) obtain the relation:
Wt % TiO2 = 3.708 (θTi )5.979 with θTi = arctan [(R415 / R750) – yTi / R750 – xTi] as the polar angle in the R415 /R750 vs. R750 diagram with respect to the reference point (xTi, yTi ) = (0.0, 0.42)
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