With a pliant Congress controlled by his own Party, whatever President Barack Obama's desires he is likely to get, especially as the new administration charts a course through monetary and fiscal policy toward depths unknown.
Jeff Foust at The Space Review has as a good a grip on the details as anyone, at this point. His article can be read HERE.
And from Mark K. Matthews and Robert Block at Orlando Sentinel's The Write Stuff, Tuesday afternoon, came word of "a major turnaround, the White House is expected this week to order a review of the fledgling spacecraft program that NASA had hoped would one day replace the space shuttle, the Orlando Sentinel has learned.
The decision follows months of critical reports questioning whether the new Ares I rocket and Orion capsule could meet a goal of sending astronauts into orbit by 2015. The review would examine whether Ares and Orion are the best options, or if the agency should pick another spacecraft.
The announcement is planned to coincide with the Thursday release of the president's budget.
Finally, deconstruction dust-up of the Vision for Space Exploration have begun, in blogging brushfires, here and there. It will get uglier.
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