Thursday, May 3, 2012

AIAA Houston: Develop Cislunar Space Next

Spacecraft departs Earth-Moon L1 node for lunar surface mission [AIAA Houston/John Frassanito & Associates].
Paul D. Spudis
AIAA Houston Horizonscover story

"The real debate should not be about launch vehicles or spacecraft or even destinations, but about the long-term purpose of our civil space program. Different rationales have been proposed, including: scientific knowledge, technology development, creating enthusiasm for science and math education, societal inspiration and many others less tangible. Fundamentally, all of these ration-ales (not all of them mutually exclusive) may have merit to a greater or lesser extent, but in times of national fiscal uncertainty, only those projects providing clear practical value and understandable societal benefit have any reasonable expectation of long-term political and fiscal support."

Read the Horizons cover story, HERE..(PDF)

Controllers on Earth operate and maintain a propellant production plant on the Moon [AIAA/MIT/John Frassanito & Associates].

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