Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Postdoctoral Position at UCLA (LRO Diviner)

Preliminary LRO (DVNR) thermal (Channel 8) imagery revealed the lunar surface inside the permanently shadowed regions (PSR's) of the Moon's polar regions and aided in the choosing of Cabeus as the prime target for the LCROSS impact. Since then, LRO has orbited the Moon over the poles 13000 times and returned more data to Earth than all other deep space missions combined, a treasure trove requiring years to analyze [NASA/GSFC/UCLA].
The Department of Earth and Space Sciences at UCLA invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the field of planetary science. The postdoc will be expected to participate in the analysis of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment observations of the Moon, and produce a set of improved mapped data products.

See for more information. Applicants with a background in planetary surfaces, remote sensing, computer science, large datasets, parallel computing, Fortran, and Unix are encouraged to apply.

The initial appointment is a full-time 1-year appointment beginning as early as April, 2012 with an expectation of continuation depending on progress and availability of funding.

Applicants should send a CV with a list of publications, addresses and e-mail addresses of at least 2 references, and a one page summary of current research to Professor David A. Paige -
The University of California is an Equal-Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer

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