Friday, August 15, 2008

Chandraayan 1 up this year - Singh

Hoping the X-37 is an ace in the hole, that the International Community needs the confidence more than we and we need to tie foreign policy to space policy for its long-term stability, and knowing that a lot of American work is on-board, and hoping the Indians will be faster to share their data than Japan (and especially China), and hoping the LRO/LCROSS is better than the lot, it's good news Chandraayan may finally ready for its long-anticipated mission. Indian PM Manmohan Singh appears to believe this.

From NDTV : Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday said that India hopes to send a spacecraft to the moon this year and called it "an important milestone".

"This year we hope to send an Indian spacecraft, Chandrayan, to the moon. It will be an important milestone in the development of our space programme," he said on the occasion of India's Independence Day.

"I want to see a modern India, imbued by a scientific temper, where the benefits of modern knowledge flow to all sections of society," he added.

1 comment:

  1. so why are so many people calling it chandraayan (चंद्रायण roughly meaning "story of the moon") isntead of chandrayaan (चंद्रयान meaning journey to the moon) ?


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